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  1. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    Yeah, I never thought that the geo q in last year's paper was actually difficult but that's probs becos I had the intuition to solve those probs.
  2. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

  3. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    Pretty sure this is an old Tournament of Towns problem but wasn't too difficult (maybe IMOSL G1?)... It is a bit of a pain to convert to directed angles so left as an exercise to the reader. If direction: We construct midpoints N, P, Q of BC, AC, BD respectively. Also, let AB \cap CD = R, AB...
  4. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    yeah my bad, good job
  5. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    No, you can have the case where they flip the same number of Heads.
  6. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    $\noindent Let $\mathcal{P}$ be a parabola with focus $F$. Suppose distinct points $A$, $B$, $C$ are on this parabola. Let the tangents at $A$, $B$, $C$ enclose triangle $XYZ$. Show that $FXYZ$ is a cyclic quadrilateral.
  7. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    Your symmetry argument unfortunately fails, as pointed out by blyatman. I gave this prob to my year's 4u class and most agreed this answer made sense at an intuitive level, but proving it rigorously was much more of a struggle.
  8. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    I thought this was a very nice problem outlining the utility of symmetry: $\noindent After both have flipped $n$ coins, let $p_A$ be the probability Amy has flipped more Heads than Ben, $p_B$ be the probability Ben has flipped more Heads than Amy, and let $p_D$ be the probability they flipped...
  9. sharky564

    What raw marks in extension 2 generally correspond to state ranks?

    Well, our school has compulsory participation in the Australian Maths Comp for yr 7 and 8. I did it in yr 7 and got 131/135, which was equivalent to a medal (top 0.03% or smth), and was invited to the Australian School of Excellence. This is a maths camp designed specifically for ppl who are...
  10. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    $\noindent Amy and Ben are flipping $n$ fair coins and $n+1$ fair coins respectively. What is the probability that Ben flips more Heads than Amy?
  11. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    Look at BOS Trials for hard papers.
  12. sharky564

    What raw marks in extension 2 generally correspond to state ranks?

    Well, I only recently started looking at uni maths because I'm too old for the comps now. Nothing official, but I've done some of my own research work. I haven't done much tho becos rest of HSC cancer (especially with new science and english courses)
  13. sharky564

    What raw marks in extension 2 generally correspond to state ranks?

    Yeah, my school let me accelerate 4 unit maths because I was in the Australian competition maths stream.
  14. sharky564

    What raw marks in extension 2 generally correspond to state ranks?

    The only mark I lost in 2017 was the very last q because I made an arithmetic error ffs :(
  15. sharky564

    What raw marks in extension 2 generally correspond to state ranks?

    I'm quite sure since I know I got 99 raw in 4 unit and 98 raw in 3 unit that year, and that paper I found was significantly easier that year. :(
  16. sharky564

    What raw marks in extension 2 generally correspond to state ranks?

    For 2017, I know for a fact you needed 100 for State Rank, because I got 99 raw and that wasn't State Rank. :(
  17. sharky564


  18. sharky564

    MX2 Integration Marathon

    Re: HSC 2018 MX2 Integration Marathon We can prove series expansion of $e$ using 4U maths.
  19. sharky564

    MX2 Marathon

    Re: HSC 2018 MX2 Marathon Trivially, $\noindent P(x)=(2x^2+3x-2)(x^2+2x-1)=(x+2)(2x-1)(x+1-\sqrt{2})(x+1+\sqrt{2})$.
  20. sharky564

    Official BOS Trial 2016 Thread

    I'll be able to make it for MX1.