My favourite part about this thread was how everyone having a whinge about minimal coverage of the beirut bombings etc. didn't even make a thread in NCAP in order to discuss it and bring attention to the tragedy. Le propre de l'hypocrisie.
It is true that iran sheltered armenians during their genocides but considering armenians were iranians only a century before, and that there has always been a massive community established in iran for more than 1000 years - I wouldn't really attribute the act to kindness as much as letting...
he/she is probably talking about data from the IQ and the Wealth of Nations book and possibly referencing this journal article which was based off data from the book
the 'rest of us' in reference to europeans/slavs/east asians/some of south...
@everyone but mainly that yr 10 kid Asghar for starting it up
"Can’t we wait until we’ve resolved the body count? Until the identities of all of the victims have been determined and their families informed? Until the sirens stop wailing? Until the blood is dry?
Or must we instantly bootstrap...
- There is no need for constant live coverage when an event like in Beirut or a drone attack happens as it is over in a few seconds. It only needs a report and a few interviews. The US is our ally and we didn't had rolling live coverage about the US shootings as you've mentioned. Are you too...
"You reap what you sow"? wow
Enjoy your ASIO surveillance buddy
Of course the story and story are more important to us, France is an ally first world country which is in a state of peace. It is very shocking.
You've answered your own questions there "the media will make out this incident...
btw just got a full-time 80% admin, 20% technical job via networking so it's worth it guys
messed up both interviews but they didn't care because from previous 2 weeks of volunteering with them they knew i was a good culture fit in the office and that i had good work ethic.
volunteer as much as...
- Still in university and trying to search for relevant trainee/intern roles. All the organisations I've had interview opportunities with were found through seek or govt portals.
- I've had 7 different jobs/roles over the course of uni so far, 3 paid and 4 unpaid. 5 of them have been relevant...
It would achieve exactly the same and is a viable alternative when you think simplistically but...
(I've only taken about 2 law related courses so forgive if errors but: )
One huge aspect of marriage that same sex couples want is to have the legal/tax/etc. protections and what not that...
ofc it should change
if suddenly we should slip into the last days of rome somehow then we can change the laws again
a dynamic society is a good society
Well are you any of them?? hahaha (from memory i think you're like muslim (sorry all the normal muzzies out there you're all g) or...
well bonus points for no slippery slope!
but negative points for the stupidest reason I've ever heard thus far against same sex marriage!
so much retardation in 1 sentence, okay okay lets break this down
- are you saying that the entire population of aus will suddenly decide to become homo...
everyone i've ever met against gay marriage was either:
- religious
- going through tough times in their life and felt the need to behave like edgy 16 year olds
- male and raped by a man
- bullied by someone homosex
hands up for all the guys in this thread who don't fit any of these...
yes it can
and marriage won't change to accommodate those unless the majority decide they're suddenly okay with pedophiles or people trying to marry goats (protip 95% people aren't!)
for same sex marriage coz i'm not a religious lunatic or obsessed with oppressing fellow citizens :rolleyes2:
but I don't think that churches or religious institutions should be forced to host these weddings or perform them
because aus is still a bit shit at separation of church and state...
almost 8x the amount of drugs than the nigerians that were executed were found with, haha wow clearly they didn't smuggle enough
lmao go BIG or go home we kill you
Chan and Sukumaran’s lawyer talked about the inconsistencies pretty well
"[we] were speaking the language of the law, whereas...