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  1. classicjimbo

    Paris Terror Attack

    they apparently have a jewish hostage atm wow these monkies cannot help themselves hey
  2. classicjimbo

    Paris Terror Attack

    to be fair i haven't seen anyone post anything to disprove the majority vs minority thing not that statistics are solid proof or anything but does anybody have any counter data besides saying 'well my family and friends aren't radical probably'?
  3. classicjimbo

    Paris Terror Attack

    except it's not public places it's public institutions and people are allowed to wear whatever they want in public there are no police tackling sikh's or hijab wearers or orthodox jews to the ground while they're walking to the shops to buy milk e.g. but yah agree with you on the last portion...
  4. classicjimbo

    Paris Terror Attack

    haha again with 'da joos' the reason they ban symbols of religious affiliation, which also even applies to da joo's and da xtians not just the poor brown people :eek2: , in public schools and institutions (note: not absolutely everywhere like you seem to think, except burqa) is because of their...
  5. classicjimbo

    Paris Terror Attack

    you're a disgusting person
  6. classicjimbo

    Shanghai NYE Stampede

    that is the most quintessentially chinese way to die ever holy shit
  7. classicjimbo

    Dealing with job rejections and bitterness?

    interesting thanks mr HR man
  8. classicjimbo

    Dealing with job rejections and bitterness?

    in terms of interviewing being a skill that improves with practice is it just a memorisation thing? like just rote learning your behavioural scenario questions better or are there other things you can do to improve as well? (for behavioural/competency based interviews that is I know that...
  9. classicjimbo

    Dealing with job rejections and bitterness?

    I just failed an interview for what was essentially the entry level position that would guarantee progression into my dream job. I've still got a year and a bit left of university and I've failed the 2 final round interviews I've gotten so far for student intern positions. I've had a lot of...
  10. classicjimbo

    Albury's only abortion clinic: protests 'push women to point of self-harm'

    and @wannaspoon i'm not sure you should be too concerned with the people that 'abuse' abortions (are you talking about dumb people that we wouldnt want to be having babies anyway or the almost non-existent abortion fetishists???) you shouldnt be concerned because abortions themselves often...
  11. classicjimbo

    Albury's only abortion clinic: protests 'push women to point of self-harm'

    I understand it is difficult but idk, i think it's not so much 'the feminism card' as it is the 'autonomy card'. in regards to that scenario though outside of the realm of one night stands, the couple is usually completely aligned on the issue, i'm not sure your scenario happens as much as...
  12. classicjimbo

    Albury's only abortion clinic: protests 'push women to point of self-harm'

    "many more"... well go on, this is the thread dude don't be afraid this is going to sound really stereotypical but you sound like a bitter virgin in the quote above "people in this world need to understand that the actions you undertake have consequences" haha I think they know man, they're not...
  13. classicjimbo

    Albury's only abortion clinic: protests 'push women to point of self-harm'

    what would you regard as an egalitarian or ideal scenario though? I don't think human pregnancy can ever be truly egalitarian unless technology develops to allow full term test tube or a seahorsesque pregnancy and i wouldn't consider the wishes of the fetus' father a priority over the woman's...
  14. classicjimbo

    Should Muslims integrate to the Australian way of life?

    my reality? my reality, like idk, my fathers family having to flee their own country after muslims were majority enough to come into power making their religious minority status a death warrant, and as second third class citizens made it acceptable to seize their multi-compound estate, most of...
  15. classicjimbo

    Should Muslims integrate to the Australian way of life?

    that was a facetious comment and please honey look beyond being knee-jerkingly PC and think about the reality of muslims majority countries because it seems to be a religion that finds it hard to separate itself from the political sphere, which as it turns out is an extremely negative...
  16. classicjimbo

    Pissed off

    haha holy christ get your autism under control stat you have major issues
  17. classicjimbo

    Does height matter?

    what kinds of children have you been looking at lmao last thing a short guy should do is gain significant muscle and/or fat girth, gives them the danny de vito illusion of looking even shorter groce
  18. classicjimbo

    Icebucket challenge

    doing this at Manly in summer is super fun you should all try it 'tombstoning' hahah fuck me what a name lmao pants on head retarded
  19. classicjimbo

    Does height matter?

    irrefutable golden rule guys at least one head taller = more attractive although past 6'1 they're gross yeti monsters tbh jacked up short men look silly though otter mode is the only option