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  1. classicjimbo

    Gay Marriage and Gay Couples having children (through surrogate, adoption etc)

    being this stupid it looks like you've used a thesaurus because it is CLEAR you don't know how to use the words correctly and it looks like a copy paste effort from a thesaurus not because they're striking someone who knows ~~big words~~ and how to actually use them wouldn't BASTARDISE them...
  2. classicjimbo

    Gay Marriage and Gay Couples having children (through surrogate, adoption etc)

    hahahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa it's not that the words you used are impressive (they aren't) your sentences don't flow and it's almost painful to dig out your [dumb] argument you gonna suck as a lawyer br8 it's like you're putting a cucumber down your pants and we all know it's a cucumber and you're...
  3. classicjimbo

    Gay Marriage and Gay Couples having children (through surrogate, adoption etc)

    inflating an argument with does not make magically make it a good argument sb you idiot
  4. classicjimbo

    Do most schools have people who leave 40-30 minutes early?

    lifeboats is a James Ruse chick iirc take from that what you may
  5. classicjimbo

    Elitist Selective school mentality makes me rage!

    there's a difference between being internet safe and being paranoid
  6. classicjimbo

    Elitist Selective school mentality makes me rage!

    i bet you go to a comprehensive school cookeemonstah
  7. classicjimbo

    Elitist Selective school mentality makes me rage!

    oh come on now enoilgam be sensible
  8. classicjimbo

    that's the whole point johnstan you big silly

    that's the whole point johnstan you big silly
  9. classicjimbo

    Your Ideal age to get married?

    she will be dead by then there is no need to be afraid