also just gonna point out you're wrong again
ayelat didn't say "all palestinian mothers should be killed", nor was it explicitly stated.
this is literally what she said ""Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy...
just gonna add
that's wrong, Dror Chanin was killed by a hamas rocket 1ish days ago
not that it measures up to the < 300 dead, but a casualty is a casualty
sounds like negligence on malaysian airlines behalf continuing to use that route even though they were advised by the international council to choose longer alternate routes (more spenno fuel wise for a struggling airline) and was kind of an avoidable incident in that sense
wonder if families...
the radio transcript from this was fascinating and upsetting as hell
haha come onnn "our dead children deserve more attention than your dead children"
considering these kinds of things often directly involve a wide range of countries citizens it's unsurprising that there's been a huge...
yep you're right but, it was in context in terms of the conversation so i'd consider it still as relevant
but here you go have another
i know i know it wasn't really aimed at you, it was more of a general addition to the thread that ~perspective~ is important
yeah that's never happened before
the main point was the english rejects jab was pointlessly derogatory and in saying it you...
^taking the moral high ground i see?
and meanwhile china, japan etc. have probably the strictest (most racist, by y'alls standards?) immigration policies out and an ingrained xenophobic culture
where are these people getting machetes from christ
just literally the dumbest person on bos
lol so oversensitive
north shore is the best place to live in sydney yo
lifestyle change hey, good job
oh i see you're making gainz, what's your bf then and now??
and the times i've posted in reply to you have still been like 3/25 so you're still being a self conscious silly willy
yes congratulations sherlock
tell me then who am i
that's cool and all dude
but hopefully you'll learn eventually that being hungry sometimes is okay and you can survive the night without eating that extra *insert food*
there's only so much you can lose before eating less of everything is required to continue weight loss progress if that's your...
you don't *need* exercise or meat or green tea etc. to lose weight
all you need is basic self control (a sensible calorie deficit) with whatever food you want to lose weight
people being superficial with hiring in hospitality and retail jobs where image is probably their most important investment
oh no how surprising somebody call the feds!!!
people hire people they'd see themselves being friends with who can fit into the workplace
as well if someone seems fobby...
she told you to get out of a room that's not rough you ultra pansy unless she manhandled you out of there
nothing will happen if you report it because it's not worth reporting, you'll just give a room full of unsw complaints people a good laugh, that's about it
quoting people is the norm idiot
and no it really isn't
they're not increasing fees, they're bringing them closer to their true prices
you're making mountains of mole hills from what's only about a $25k max increase
most people are idiots with money and realistically one year of (smart...
why? do you plan to not work for 10-15 years after you graduate?
going by the articles figures people might end up with about $40k-$70k hecs debt and that's only about one years worth of a mid-level grad program salary
it's an annoying increase but it's realistically not that much
why does...
In the first few weeks of second semester you'll find people are a bit socially revamped for a short time period so you get a second shot at introducing yourself to people in a welcoming atmosphere
typically it's because people who made no friends & regretted staying quiet first sem etc. are...
You've been there a week OP calm down.
I made all of my friends in 2nd sem first year and we still hang out regularly outside and inside uni. I had acquaintances and people to sit with or whatever in 1st sem too but didn't meet anybody I really liked until the next semester so don't try to...