Re: CFA journal.. 88 days of Shaolin Monk level of abstinence and discipline! Hopeful
I will use Anki SRS and will attempt the memorise all the glossaries and formulas for CFA1.
For Glossary list, I will use the 35 pages glossary at the end of the CFA books. For the formula, I will use the 73...
Re: CFA exam log.. 88 days of Shaolin Monk level of abstinence and discipline! Hopefu
The gears
bought off gumtree second hand.
BA II plus pro black, much better than the silver version.
box of exercise books, 30c each from officeworks on special
writing instruments: King of Pens...
Level 1 D-Day
5th December 2015
Okay I signed up for the exam back in February, bought the books off gumtree in March, didn't touch the books, not even once. Now there is only 90 days left under the December level 1 exam....
No more playstation and movie and girls, please stop pm...
I don't really like it. The converter ink system really just killed for me. I only use it has a dip pen because it holds so little ink and I have to carry around a bottle of ink with me all the time.
I wish I bought the MontBlanc 149 instead or some other pens with more flex and a piston system.
Hell yeah, but unfortuantely Aussies are too bogans to use them. Most young stralians don't have any penmenship. They just use cheap ball pen and write no cursively.
Personally I use King of Pens by Sailor as my daily driver.
No, I think if we move in together, we both get full payment from centrelink.
That is a good idea, I'll move in with you til I find an Asian pussy with tight fissure.
wow, this is unbelievable. The welfare system is fucked. For the first time that children of low income parents are more advantaged.
They should have automatic deduction from my father's paycheck if the government deems that he is capable of paying and not giving me any youth allowance. They do...
Black because look like Asian will make you look smart, and it there is an empirical positive correlation between darkness of the hair and WAM. Blonde if you want to look stupid or doing B.Arts.
Why does my brother get $$$ without working and I have to?
If I have no legal right, then why did the government have means test in the first place? Are children of higher income parents supposed to be financially disadvantaged?
My brother went to uni 10 years ago, and he was able to receive money from centrelink because he passed what parents means test, now I am in uni, and my father got a new job that pays more and centrelink won't pay a cent. And my parents refuse to give any money and put all their money money into...