If you don't get into selective high school, you don't necessarily have a low iQ, you just don't have high IQ.
No you don't but. This thread is not about success in life, it's about parenting and selective high schools.
Why are you posting in this thread if you don't bother reading the...
Then why don't Anglo Australians do "enough practice"? Since they are more "creative", they would score higher with the same amount of practice.
Maybe eat your pavlova and lamingtons while drudge through selective high school papers and there won't be a "white flight" from selective high...
In the original article
It's no easier to find clear answers in Australia. The Department of Education & Communities (DEC), which runs the selective-school entrance exam in NSW, does not collect data on coaching, and does not endorse it. Andrew Fielding, the department's director of business...
Animals are the result of their genetic and environmental make up.
Difference races have different genetics make up and thus result in bother tangible and intangible characteristics. Whether you regard a characteristic as superior or inferior is up to you.
Eg. In Asian countries, pale skin is...
No I am not looking down on other race. I am just saying that on average Asians have a higher IQ. And I would never discriminate a person because of their race.
For example, if I am a boss and I two potential employees, the job I have is highly cognitive, one candidate is black and the other...
Pointing out facts =/= racism.
Racism exists when there is an unequal treatment for based on race.
All races in Australia has the same treatment regarding to selective high school entry. Azns just do better than any other race because
1. More parental investment, whether financial or time...
Okay, okay, Africans are the smartest and the most disciplined and dominates every professions around the world. Because every I go, I see black CEO, lawyers, doctors and bankers.
You win.
Learn how to Harvard Reference a source, than I will read it.
You quote from the source and write it here the exact part you want the us to read to back up your claim. Not ask the audience to through the document, as I have no idea what part you're referencing to.
No where in your source does it say black/African immigrant out performing other immigrants.
Both articles is about immigrant black vs native American black.
Your previous post said out performing "other immigrant group", not against native American black.
And cultural is connected to race. Duh, and East Asians race has higher average IQ than both white and black. The sources for IQ and race is everywhere.
Melbourne and Sydney has almost identical population, there are around 20(to 30?) selective high in Sydney and only 4 in Melbourne.
Which mean it would be much harder to get into a selective high in Melbourne since the demand would be the same in both cities and the supply is only 20% that of...
How about you face the facts and instead of kowtowing to political correctness?
This would not be a race issue, if Asians and White were proportionally presented. But it is not, Asians only occupy a minority status in the population but is the majority in selective high school enrolments. So...