I'm a bit with AusBluesMan on this. I think traveling could be great, but it's not even a priority for me. I have the savings and the time, but I think they're better spent on other things. I don't know, at the moment I'd rather listen to my grandparents impressions of a country while I can...
I lol every time I come across this on Foxtel.
Fashion channel "FTV Breakfast" show. I always imagine it being a blank screen.
But I saw this super skinny girl on there! So I quickly changed it before my grandparents came in and starting thinking they were my role models lol.
Ahhh I saw the end of the cricket! I came to my grandparents house just so I could watch Entourage, and my uncle walked into the loungreroom and said "don't give Sarah the bloody remote!" turned it to fox ports then gave the remote to my grandparents. I think I saw the last ball and then ran and...
Lololol should edit, if you're a dumb person who doesn't know what a partitioned drive is you can't transfer your games over. I am one of these people :(
Any MacBook if you're a girl. They're just so... finished and pretty. If you're a boy, you can't transfer your windows games over :(. Bye bye Age of Empires.
Haha like when someone who was coming like last would use the lightning bold on Wario Stadium over that jump bit on someone they didn't like. I did this to my brother a few times and literally got smashed for it. So what did I do? I did it again bahaha.
You have the same system as me! To...
Haha like when someone who was coming like last would use the lightning bold on Wario Stadium over that jump bit on someone they didn't like. I did this to my brother a few times and literally got smashed for it. So what did I do? I did it again bahaha.
You have the same system as me! To...
Re: them cityrail moments
Ahahaha viewing on different computer, and typed Seinfeld as my username rather than Sarebs after reading this.
EDIT: Haha with the lips drawn on it and in the drug store lol.
I actually have a plush toy of the accordion somewhere, prob in a box in the shed. It was great. It would have been cool to have a Johnson toy. Although I remember putting bandaids on one of our hot water bottles to make it look like the one off the show ahaha.
OH FOUR CONTROLLERS!!!! Haha we only had three, so we always ended up swapping the third and the fourth holes if we wanted four player stuff, so tedious! And the good ol' blow on the game if it doesn't work. Oh super smash bros was awesome too, that big hand at the end always scared me!!! And in...
Hahaha MarioKart was the best!!! I still used to play it on the old skool Nintendo til Mum gave it away I think. My brother n I were protesting but she did it anyway I think :(. So now I'm stuck playing it on my... Omg I can't believe I have one of these... DS.
Haha those M-roads are so good to drive on, but so expensive. Ohhh that's the way of it I guess.
Oh I don't really understand them coz I dnt play the games, but it's a youtube thing based on characters out of COD4 and Halo3. Ant they act like human beings and play the games with the...
Yeah I'm sure it would have cost $20 by the time i went thru the Cross-City tunnel (the one under the harbour, I think that's what it's called), was on the M-something, which turned into westlink or the M-something-else. Oh and Lane Cove tunnel. Yep GPS are basically the best things and the...
I swear moving here has made me lose any common sense that I had. Like not listening to my GPS and thinking "Oh no I know the way stuff off", and then when I do listen to it it sends me down bloody Pitt St and Elizabeth St. And thinking, oh yeah I will take all the toll roads to Blacktown, think...
Ah tomoz nite, I shouldn't have lost my list! Haha I told my bro I would go with him but he doesn't like Syd so he went home early, like a baby haha.
Haha I'm having so many dumb moments down here. Like last week, I waited right until it was Thursday to fill up because I knew it was the...
Yep he was appealing so bad, it was so funny!!!
Yeah all the poms have these really weird chants... like wtf is with that! Haha all us aussies do is sing the drinking song and clap to a whistle!
Yeah I'm keen to go to a big bash game, I even wrote a list of when they're on. Yep it finishes...