You couldn't have got into unsw if you are truly lazy, there must be some other problems that you haven't identified. My guess is because of a lack of interest.
If you want to improve studying and writing skills you should consult the unsw learning centre. The unsw counselling service also...
1) Don't think anyone can give you a useful answer. All things equal, if there are 2 students who are at the top of their classes but one is from usyd and the other from UoW... then you know what would happen. But this is useless talk since you can never calculate things this way. Your goal...
Meh...I did my best. I can go on but I cbb. I understand that you are very bitter right now but just know that you won't even remember this saga in a few weeks time. If you do, then you need to revise the way you approach life.
The midwifery thing is just a joke, there is no such combination at unsw. I did fins1612 and got a HD for that subject.
The most obvious reason is that they actually put the company tax rate in the question, a reasonable person would infer that, given the question, the profit would be...
OP, you were wrong, accept it. It's not even a matter of 'life is unfair' as others suggested. I sympathise with you because I believe that you genuinely believe you are right. I can list out the reasons why you should have known it's before tax, but I won't bother because I know you won't...
That's the problem lol..I am not sure at what point ATAR become less relevant. Yours is not bad and it'd be a shame if it was 'contaminated' by your uni results. Just ask around or goto uni websites to be sure.
A sticky situation. Do you have a job? If you do then my advice is to defer for a year (or a semester), then apply for another degree. Once you get accepted, then you can drop out uws entirely.
A phenonmena I see often at uni is people socialising enthusiatically around uni or in class, and it gives you an impression that they are really good friends and having a lot of fun, then comes next semester when I bump into one of them and ask 'hey, you still see X, Y and Z?' a...
Highly discouraged behaviour. Read the textbook before lecture if you think they are going too fast, it helps.
If you want to skip lecture because you find it too easy, then all's well, but that's not the reason why you want to skip.
I had a shitty first year because of the friend issue et al. Honestly, 90% of the people you meet at uni will be acquintances. The rest 10% you may call 'friend' for some length of time (e.g. for the duration of the semester). Probably 5% of that will be true friends, if you're lucky.