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  1. IcyRain

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Good luck to people beginning trials tomorrow. Stay calm and focused, it will be over before you know it.
  2. IcyRain

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Bloody multiple choice! y u trick me so much?!?
  3. IcyRain

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Had English AoS exam today. I spent too long on the essay, that i wasn't able to finish the last question of the short answer. I hate discovery! Belonging was much easier for me.
  4. IcyRain

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Wtf, that's amazing. I would be exhilarated with that mark.
  5. IcyRain

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    First day was alright, but tomorrow is English:evilfire:
  6. IcyRain

    Super Smash Bros

    Favourite: Melee. It was one of my first games for my first console I owned, the GameCube. I just loved the replay value in the game and the vast array of characters at the time. The soundtrack is awesome and the graphics are still good over time. Still come back to it every time I play my...
  7. IcyRain

    HSC Results Countdown

    10 hours to wait??? No Problem: sCNrK-n68CM
  8. IcyRain

    HSC Results Countdown

    ATAR calculators are going to be raped tomorrow.
  9. IcyRain

    Super Smash Bros

    I have only just begun training with Mario to start with. The customisation is good to give an unique flavour to the character, whether fast or slow. They also learn from their mistakes and develop differently according to your playing style. So I think they do the job pretty well.
  10. IcyRain

    Super Smash Bros

    I got Marth (apparently pretty rare), Donkey Kong and Mario on Launch. Then I got Yoshi and Kirby yesterday. I am also looking at some from the wave released next week, like Captain Falcon. Also got 3 GameCube controllers along the way. As you can see, the launch of Smash Bros along with Pokemon...
  11. IcyRain

    Super Smash Bros

    I bought mine at Target for $14 each compared to Eb games which is $18 each, so the price isn't too bad considering some of the amiibo are short in supply and prices will inflate knowing Nintendo. Can't wait to try out 8-player smash with friends in the holidays though.
  12. IcyRain

    Super Smash Bros

    So far SSB4 for both 3DS and Wii U have been going great for me so far. I rank it better than brawl, and very close to melee. Being a long time melee player, the adapter was necessary for me to get the most out of the game. I know they seem gimmicky, but has anyone picked up any amiibo for the game?
  13. IcyRain

    How many units are you have in year 12?

    At the moment I have 12 units. However, I think I would rather have 10 or 11 units for the rest of the year, so I'll probably drop SoR II to I. That's if the teachers allow me :mad:. If only I didn't have to do English I would drop that crap in a heart beat.
  14. IcyRain

    Admire Rakti dies after Melbourne Cup

    I think it's been a terrible idea all along to race horses. Might as well bet on people racing next year.
  15. IcyRain

    Using other notes vs making your own?

    I personally just like to look over other people's notes and past papers. Look over more than one to get multiple understandings of a topic. Since note making is time consuming, you could use someone's notes and edit them to make them more catered to you.
  16. IcyRain


  17. IcyRain

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Does anyone else feel like they have lost motivation or stopped caring more as school goes on? I can't even bring myself to do study or anything. gg HSC.
  18. IcyRain

    dealing with group work assignments

    What subject is it? If you feel uncomfortable with their work ethic it would be best to take full control. #storyofmylife
  19. IcyRain

    Roll Call: Class of 2015

    Hey guys, my subjects are in my signature. I hope to try to the best of my ability and come out on the other side hopefully. Good luck to all other 2015ers.
  20. IcyRain

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)
