^ nice

For me:
My favourite game is melee, I think the balance between offense/defense, grounded play/aerial play, edgeguarding/recovering etc is pretty much spot-on. It makes for a really fast paced exciting game with quite a bit of depth. The movement in that game is super crisp too, which is why there is such scope for different styles of play. I also play quite a bit of project m, and smash 64 is the game I grew up on.
64 chars: Literally everyone. Pikachu being my best.
Melee chars: I play all the characters, but at tournament level my main is jiggs and my secondaries are sheik and fox. I have a few other characters up my sleeve that aren't much worse though, which I pull out for specific matchups / players. (Peach to kill the ice climbers in a brainless way, Falco to go aggro on players that are smart but not good at dealing with pressure, etc)
PM chars: Main link, but I dabble in a lot of characters, and its also pretty easy to transition the skills from playing the melee version of a character to the PM version. (For the good melee characters anyway, they aren't changed too much.)
64 Style: There isn't that much scope for style in 64 lol, I just play patiently, spacing out my opponent till I get an opening. After a single hit I try and continue the combo for as long as I can, hopefully till death.
Melee Style: Jiggs gets outmatched by some characters in the neutral game, but has a lot of tricks. The main idea is to play campy and safe, poking with backairs until your opponent makes a mistake you can punish. Setups for rest (down b) are super important, and some are quite easy. I pay a lot of attention to teching/rolling habits and the way an opponent recovers, because a single read with Jiggs can change a match. Sheik is kind of similar, really good at edgeguarding, with a solid combo game. She/he is faster than Jiggs on ground so can punish certain things better. Fox/Falco are just super fun to play, I am way more aggressive with them.
PM style: Links projectile game is sick. He can put a ton of pressure on opponents who can't powershield consistently. Favourite tricks include jab jab grab and z-air->d-air.
Who I hate to fight in melee: A good ice climbers player lol. Thankfully peach exists. A good fox/falco is harder to fight, but more fun, because jiggs can punish their mistakes REALLY hard. I love fighting aggressive characters, because matchups like puff dittos and puff-peach are really boring lol.