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  1. unholyXromance

    Does this mean anything?

    Well when I have had sex and it is actually possiable for me to have AIDS I'll keep that comment in mind
  2. unholyXromance

    Does this mean anything?

    India = Holiday Religion = None of your business (only because it will lead to more bagging) NOT JEHOVAH'S WITNESS shopping, I agree Kiss personal opinion, personal opinion. I have had a lot of kisses that didn't mean anything (this one may have very well been one, but I chucked in the story...
  3. unholyXromance

    Does this mean anything?

    yes I am. I'm just different to most people. I take pride in this fact
  4. unholyXromance

    Does this mean anything?

    Well well well, you too are in my previous post.
  5. unholyXromance

    Does this mean anything?

    It's called lulz, I often do strange shit, it's just me. I get a laugh out of it and dont care what any one else thinks, so it's win/win. I get a laugh and you people can think what you want condition free.
  6. unholyXromance

    Does this mean anything?

    1. THANK FUCK SOMEONE AGREES WITH ME. I would like to shake your hand, but cant because of distance an all, you know. 2. She took me shopping, because I'm the only guy that isn't scared of going into a girls shop, and commenting on clothes, that actually look good rather than just show a lot...
  7. unholyXromance

    Does this mean anything?

    mmm fortunately for me most people arnt as narrow minded as your are, and she is cool with me being bi. (That means yes, I have told her).
  8. unholyXromance

    Does this mean anything?

    I have a penis and balls, and I'm not the only one who knows. growing a second penis and balls would probably be a very good idea though, but I am a bisexual, so you fail as I have admitted it.
  9. unholyXromance

    Does this mean anything?

    i didn't "forget" to ask her out. I "chose" not to ask her out, because she said she only wants to be friends, and arguing with her would not have me anywhere. Yes she pecked me on the cheek as she left. I didn't return the kiss, or try to because she was already going to meet her dad
  10. unholyXromance

    Does this mean anything?

    that was so when my friend ask why the fuck they took her to maccas (which they did) i had proof (that i needed) why i took her there
  11. unholyXromance

    Does this mean anything?

    And you sound very narrow minded
  12. unholyXromance

    front of back?
  13. unholyXromance

    Does this mean anything?

    unluckyinlove07 this is your lucky day. It went...medium, I guess. We met up and went shopping for a while, rather she shopped and I offered my oppinion on clothes (for some reason I have the same taste in clothes as her as well). Anyway we shopped for something like 3 hours, then we had...
  14. unholyXromance

    Does this mean anything?

    Firstly I am not the kind of the guy to just crack onto a girl after knowing them for a couple of days. Secondly, fuck knows how it came up, it was 9 and a half hours and neither of us can sleep on planes. Just so you know she was the one that said she only wanted to be friends and I agreed...
  15. unholyXromance

    front of back?

    I have seen/watched/ gay porn, however, I am a virgin so I wouldn't know about sex of any kind from the front, or back.
  16. unholyXromance

    front of back?

    ROFLMAO at you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emo's are FAKE!!!! they were invented by the media to scare parents, or ust adults in general
  17. unholyXromance

    Does this mean anything?

    OK people, just letting you all know that we are going to lunch today. So I'm going to see how it all works out, and with any luck I'll have a girlfriend by the end of today. I'll come and tell everyone about it.
  18. unholyXromance

    front of back?

    What does me being Bi have to do with having gay sex from the font? EDIT: i can't say I have tried gay sex from the front so I'll have to take your word on it
  19. unholyXromance

    front of back?

    I thought you would work it out, gay sex from the front would be very hard, not to mention rather painful.
  20. unholyXromance

    front of back?

    hetrosexual sex = gay...? Hmm, I fail to see your logic, you fail