The only purpose this thread has to remain open is so all the noobs who make 'Does god exist?' threads get swallowed into this one. It keeps all the stupid questions in one thread.
Are you are necrophiliac? This thread was well on it's way to being dead but you chose to rape it's near dead body. Why? You sick theists can't seem to leave things alone. You continuously try to bother people with all your bible bashing. God you're a nuisance.
haha yeah. i'm protective of my sisters but want them to have their freedom at the same time. i'm very paternalistic yet liberal. this goes for my friends as well. i always want to make sure people are alright. =\
Wow! I like this god. He repays you with material goods instead of some silly eternal happiness in the after life. What religion is Lazarus god so I can join it?
i want to find my sisters a decent guy who will treat them right. that's all i want in this world. for my sisters to be successful because they mean the world to me. i want them to be happy.
if you have enough friends and don't mind losing one, take a chance. it's a win win situation. i told a close friend about how i felt about her and she was understanding enough not to make too much about it. i felt it was neccessary because keeping it in was killing me. it's important to let it...
hey bimbo, get your arse to Bar Broadway on Saturday at 7 pm. i expect you to be there cause you're such a submissive yes wench. on the other hand if you got trials i'll understand if you don't show up :o
hey tlodg, i loved your singing and i love your voice, i was wondering if you're free on Saturday. we could hit a pub for a few drinks? find out some more about each other. you keen? cause i am.
see, how hard was that? oh shit, she wants face to face.
hey tlodg, lets meet up on Saturday so...
Nurses who disagree with abortion can choose not to work in that situation. I will however gladly apply.
I agree it's murder.
I don't agree that it's wrong.
You took it from an online opinion poll that most likely will have anti-abortionists rallying their friends to vote no.
Besides if I was a girl I'd abort whether it was 1 month or 240 months. :o