Only if you're stupid enough to believe in Creationist theory and the majority of religious people aren't stupid enough to denounce science. Again, throw out your computer, your toilet, your television, your microwave, your oven, your stove and every other electrical appliance you science hating...
the Korean original, Il Mare, is supposed to be melodramatic and subtle. it's more arthouse then mainstream. you have to watch it like an arthouse film.
if this is Hollywoodised the the pacing will be faster and ruins what the flim is about. the slow pacing is what give the original it's edge...
Yeah, and I care nothing for people like you. You go on about not caring for scientists but it is the scientist who brought technology for you to use. If you cared so much about your all so powerful and gracious God then abandon all technology and go live in the dark ages and start a farm...
there might still be sequels. if Ron or Hermoine survive there will be people who want sequels and that's not to mention all the other character either. unless she kills off every significant character there will be sequels.
In the context of contemporary society however the burden of support from the 'father' is not so much required as it was in the past. Women have the power to remove the child, yet at the same time keep the child and force the 'father' to pay. Reminds me of the movie 'Parenthood' where the wife...
Yeah, I always wondered how much say men actually have in abortion of their child anyways. It ultimately comes down to the woman yet at the same time they have to pay child support should there be differences in the relationship status.
That statement is relatively true. However there are many factors attributing 'worth' to 'life'. If you hold that life is not sacred or in most cases less sacred then what other's hold life to be then it isn't a problem now is it. Consider the reasons parents bring children into the world first...
I don't believe people have a right to enforce their ideals on other people's bodies. It is a matter of choice for the individual.
If I had a child with Down's Syndrome, I'd prefer if they died. Bringing a child into this world is a difficult decision. A right to life is a right to death and...
read about the VE development in Wheels magazine. i'm somewhat impressed but what they've done. i hate the look of the Proto. the actual design that's somewhere on the net looks much better then the Proto concept.