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  1. kristie87

    Promotion and program

    You're welcome anytime! :) Okay, so for the program if you were doing an already established theatre company (although I did do a hypothetical theatre company), for example, STC, it would be my guess that you could go either way - you could make up your own blurb about them based on their...
  2. kristie87

    Promotion and program

    Hey guys! I know I did my HSC last year and all, but I did Promotion & Program for my IP, so if at anytime, you guys want help with something, I'd be glad to assist seeing as i've been there, done that kinda thing and know what it's like - my IP wasn't OnStage material however, but was a 'band...
  3. kristie87

    Letter from Art Express

    I got my letter today - I'm on the regional tour... Good times. Congrats to everyone else who got in!
  4. kristie87

    Art Express?

    The letter said anywhere from late November to early December.
  5. kristie87

    exam: which artists?

    I did Frida Kahlo, Sidney Nolan, Andy Warhol, and Rosalie Gascoigne. And I think I did Question 5.
  6. kristie87

    Drama exam.

    So, how did everyone think they went this arvo???
  7. kristie87

    The official I'm Procrastinating Until 1.30pm This Arvo thread

    Ahh, yes...the 'retarded photocopier' music! Some would say it is a blessing in disguise - but I agree with don't ever want to hear a photocopier going off it's rocker while attempting to study.
  8. kristie87

    Stupid exam...

    OMG - That is such a good idea... Someone totally do it from 'All The Visual Arts HSC 05er's'...
  9. kristie87

    The official I'm Procrastinating Until 1.30pm This Arvo thread

    LOL - totally! Something must be wrong with me though, i've been attempting to study to Classical Baroque, Opera, and heaven forbid...Anthony Callea continuously singing 'The Prayer'...pfft. I don't think it's helping me...i suspect it's actually distracting me further...HA! perfect!
  10. kristie87

    The official I'm Procrastinating Until 1.30pm This Arvo thread

    LOL - thats like me... I haven't read any of the core texts since we started them - the most I managed was skimming through them and going 'Yeah, that'll do - know a few quotes...whatever'.
  11. kristie87

    The official I'm Procrastinating Until 1.30pm This Arvo thread

    I completely concur! And we'll bust out the pitchforks and the flaming torches... Fancy putting Drama on the LAST day of exams - so stupid. Everyone else is all out there having fun, shopping, at the beach, and not to mention continually rubbing in the fact that they have FINISHED exams and...
  12. kristie87

    The official I'm Procrastinating Until 1.30pm This Arvo thread

    I think i'll join you in rampaging the BOS if they decide to chuck in one of those questions...
  13. kristie87

    The official I'm Procrastinating Until 1.30pm This Arvo thread

    LOL - yeah, a plan it is, indeed! Good old existentialism. I mean, I have to say that I actually don't mind Absurd, probably because all my thinking is actually...absurd. So, Absurd is all good. Just hate Bush+City (especially Brumby Innes). I just really hope they don't pull out a...
  14. kristie87

    Futuro( Art at Uni kids)

    I'm planning on doing Design Visual Communication at Newcastle Uni. Just gotta get the UAI first... :|
  15. kristie87

    The official I'm Procrastinating Until 1.30pm This Arvo thread

    I reckon! I have a feeling i'm just going to go into that exam and wing it. Make up all my stupid 'experiential learning workshops',pull a few quotes outta nowhere, and basically talk about what I know and hope that suffices.
  16. kristie87

    The official I'm Procrastinating Until 1.30pm This Arvo thread

    I know - once you have a week off from freaking exams you just don't wanna study anymore! I haven't had an exam since extension 1 english, except Visual Arts yesterday, but I never studied for that because I just really couldn't do it after having an entire week or so off...and now i'm feeling...
  17. kristie87

    onstage nom's for non-performance IPs?

    But it also doesn't necessarily mean that ALL the Onstage nominations for non-performance IP have been released yet. Seriously, this is just merely the first, that we've heard of, anyways.
  18. kristie87

    Trial IP marks

    Your school notifies you when they receive word from the BOS. As to when you find out...that's subject to speculation. Nobody really knows. It could be anywhere from the time we finish our exams to early December. It's pretty retarded leaving everyone in the lurch like that... But...
  19. kristie87


    Oh ok. On ya! :) I just wish they wouldn't leave us in SO MUCH FREAKING SUSPENSE as to the whole Onstage thing - especially Non-Performance IP's. I think the way it works is similar to vis. arts. Like usually, if you send your work away and after they've been marked and they send other...
  20. kristie87


    Did you get nominated for non-performance IP (video) or Performance IP and you just had to send in a video of your performance?