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  1. kristie87

    Art Express?

    I suppose 200 is a pretty reasonable amount considering that there are only 4 exhibition spaces and the regional tour.
  2. kristie87

    onstage nom's for non-performance IPs?

    Yeah - lol - I think i'm in the same boat. As much as I REALLY want it, it's not going to happen. I just get the feeling that even though my IP was triple marked at 30/30 by all three markers for the trial, i just don't think the Board will think it's worth the same. I mean sure, it was good...
  3. kristie87

    Art Express?

    Really? 47? I thought it was only like 45. Man, that is a pretty steep cut-off. They must really be trying to cut down then.
  4. kristie87

    Art Express?

    Yep, I did digital imaging and it was sent away to the marking centre at Homebush - I found out last week I was nominated.
  5. kristie87

    onstage nom's for non-performance IPs?

    Are you serious? I think i'm gunna have, like, a seizure or something...
  6. kristie87

    Damaged BOW anyone?

    Mine was sent to homebush - and I found out I got nominated Tuesday this week. Hopefully that means that my BOW wasn't screwed around in transit...but we wrapped it in that much freaking bubblewrap... But that so sucks about your sculpture, jesscorcoran! - d'you know if it was damaged before...
  7. kristie87


    D'you really have to get 30/30? Whoa. I mean - I was marked by my teachers as 30/30 - but that's my teachers...when you're going up against the actual markers ... argh. Much angst. Good luck for your costume design though, Gummy bear. I hope my Promotion & Program can crank out something...
  8. kristie87

    Art Express?

    I LOVE your work maxibon! It's so HOT! You do realise that there is still a chance - itinerate marking doesn't conclude until the end of then HSC I think - well at least that's what my teacher told me and i'm pretty sure he'd know. I mean, I don't want to get your hopes up or anything - but...
  9. kristie87


    I have to agree with you Gummy bear - I LOVED the Twelfth Night costume design from last year - it was awesome - and all of them did a fantastic job! As if the Board would just say "Ha, congratulations, you're freaking mediocre, welcome to Onstage" - everyone who gets through to Onstage gets...
  10. kristie87


    Most people who did performance and GP know they've been nominated because they've all been marked since Friday the 2nd of August and those who get nominated for performance get notified on the spot apparently, hence why people are saying they've been nominated for GP and IP (as in individual...
  11. kristie87

    Final works

    apparently they're being marked, like, right now...and nominations should be released by the time we finish exams or somewhere after that. I've heard so many things from so many different people - who'd know what to believe though...
  12. kristie87

    What mark will you get in drama?

    Ima hoping for a band 6... But i suppose it depends on maintaining my ranking through the trials... I'm hoping the trial paper goes well on wednesday.
  13. kristie87

    Group progress????

    we've got like, 4 people in our drama class... Our trial assessment GP is next wednesday, tragically...but lately we've been making rather good steam thanks to the encouragement of a rather awesome uni prac teacher (a nice change from our usual critically judgemental environment), although...
  14. kristie87

    jus wonderin when is the due date for ur majors

    Mines August 29th too!
  15. kristie87

    shit teachers

    My drama teacher is awesome! He's taught me so much and helped me to improve upon so many things. The thing i appreciate most about him is that he has a great deal of faith in me that i can achieve excellency within the subject.
  16. kristie87

    Absurd: Mr and Mrs Smith

    I think you're definately onto something there.
  17. kristie87

    Absurd: Mr and Mrs Smith

    Yeah, it's the same sort of techniques that apply in literature, like in all of Camus' essays such as 'The Myth of Sisyphus', if that's what you mean. Except the way the techniques will be applicated will be different to that of the stage.
  18. kristie87

    Absurd: Mr and Mrs Smith

    In practice, The Theatre of the Absurd departs from realistic characters, situations and all of the associated theatrical conventions. Time, place and identity are ambiguous and fluid, and even basic causality frequently breaks down. Meaningless plots, repetitive or nonsensical dialogue and...
  19. kristie87

    Absurd: Mr and Mrs Smith

    Wow, that was very clever of you to notice all that! That's awesome! I haven't actually seen that movie, but i spose i bet to if i can actually use it in the exam, seeing as im doing absurdism this year. Ace.
  20. kristie87

    help - for GP one member wont even turn up

    Well, we're having a meeting about it today (finally) i've been trying all hols to get one of those, but it took a teacher to instigate seeing as one person completely ignored all my attempts to do so. So, i guess we'll have to see what comes out of today...