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  1. Lorie

    economics HSC exam

    I think you are referring to the basic stuff u learnt in year 11. And i think you'll find that alot of it is tested in the m/c part, and sometimes even the short answer. Mircoeconomics is an imprtant thing to know, as it is the basis for your understanding of the policies and economic issues and...
  2. Lorie


    i reckon soccer is the best sport to find value, because of the fact that a draw is a read chance. Quite often u'll find a favourite being at $2.50 - $3 based on the fact that there are 3 different chances. Does anyone do parlays. I got all 4 once and it paid nearly $200 for the $1.
  3. Lorie

    women get more rights in relation tto kids

    ok, a little off topic, but a query i am still unsure about, that some one else might know. (by the way sorry for the assumptios, just makes everything easier to explain, i'm not trying to say this gender does this) In the divorce process can the woman access the mans superannuation, before...
  4. Lorie

    2004 raw marks

    do they show the marks you got for each section in the exam or just the total marks from each exam?
  5. Lorie

    B commerce at Usyd or UNSW

    i'll throw an idea out of left field to make u you think. Dude have you considered doing commerece the university of Queensland. It's got all the interantional recogination, all the traditions that both UNSW and USyd have. The cut off is just as high (if not higher, i can't remember off the...
  6. Lorie

    Who here was tutored in at least 1 subject?

    i must give my credit to the standards packages.
  7. Lorie

    I Need Help Plz....

    dude i don't think the school will make much of a difference. You need to look at why you didn't go so well. Maybe it was the subjects you choose, your study habits and attidude, or maybe it just wasn't you time. If you did well in any of your subjects, and you don't think you can exceed them, u...
  8. Lorie

    More Band 6 Results in Standard English

    well 1 band 6 last year, 2 this year, thats a 100% improvement. If these trends continue.............ay!! well done guys.
  9. Lorie

    Server 1 or Server 2

    server 1, i ain't being degraded to no b-grade, back-up server :p. but yeah i don't think it matters
  10. Lorie

    All publicity is good publicity

    well this site has been on the news quite alot for the whole marks thing. I'm quite surprised that the media hasn't attacked this site over the whole thing. I know that this site did nothing wrong, and you can't stop people saying what they wanna say, you can only censor it. However, this...
  11. Lorie

    Who's doing an all nighter...for no particular reason..

    it was a bit scarey because i didn't know when it was going to load up
  12. Lorie

    Who's doing an all nighter...for no particular reason..

    yeah i signed into the students online thingy
  13. Lorie

    Who's doing an all nighter...for no particular reason..

    are u guys serious that it is up? It's not showing any of my marks yets.
  14. Lorie

    Who's doing an all nighter...for no particular reason..

    lets just say i'd recomend protection
  15. Lorie

    Who's doing an all nighter...for no particular reason..

    oh dear god, that is funny but. why oh why did i laugh at that.
  16. Lorie

    Who's doing an all nighter...for no particular reason..

    i don't know if a wank would make that much of a difference. And if your results are that bad it could be dangerous
  17. Lorie

    Who's doing an all nighter...for no particular reason..

    i guess you'd have to use every letter to get everything that i'd do
  18. Lorie

    Who's doing an all nighter...for no particular reason..

    yeah they've "lost them" yes that'll do