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  1. Lorie

    ----People With AMAZING/UNIQUE Voices-----

    yeah spike does have a pretty cool voice. He doesn't sing for his band Swingin' utters, he only plays bass.
  2. Lorie

    Surely this must be the end of Ashlee Simpson?

    there was a begining?
  3. Lorie

    The Scud

    yeah maybe he should move into the doubles game, there is no causion for racket abuse there
  4. Lorie

    The Scud

    yeah the scud should get back to his Paris form.
  5. Lorie

    "Womens Rights From The Perspective Of Teenagers.....(both male an female)"

    As a male teenager i haven't seen that much difference in rights between young males and females. From what i've seen there are equal opportunities for both. There will always be differences between men and women are naturally different. WIthout being directly offensive to women, but there is a...
  6. Lorie

    the big names of politics

    I wonder if that makes David Boon a good politician
  7. Lorie

    the big names of politics

    shouldn't we looking for a range of people representing the people, rather than all law grads. Yeah it requires a high UAI and hard work to get into it and stay in, but that doesn't nessarly make them the best person to represent the people of Australia. I sure as hell know i didnt vote for the...
  8. Lorie

    the big names of politics

    yeah yeah, and at the end he can point at the loser and go "Your Stupid!!!"
  9. Lorie

    the big names of politics

    yeah i say we get them together and find out who is the dumbest polly. It can be a realty TV show to add to the stupidity.
  10. Lorie

    the big names of politics

    Pauline Hanson - years of experiance in the art of fish and chips
  11. Lorie

    Who Is Your Music Hero? Aspire To? Admire To?

    Dave Grohl - rock god. Drums, vocals, guitar bass he does it all. He has played in so many influencial bands, foos, queens, nirvana, scream. Fat Mike - helped bring up the music of punk into a recoginsed style of music. Bass player and lead singer for NOFX which has been going strong for...
  12. Lorie

    America Haters Unite!!

    hmmmmmm, i don't why i'm arguing this but i will make a few points. Our taxs go to the government, yeah. And yes thats where the funding from Australia goes to to. I only lash out against america, because Bush is trying to score political points by referring to this as an act against terror.
  13. Lorie

    America Haters Unite!!

    yeah, it just pisses me off about the reasoning behind the aid. BUsh has put this into a war against terror. ***because terrorists are so the survivors of major disasters.
  14. Lorie

    America Haters Unite!!

    Does Bush's stupidity have any limits. Probably a better question, how do the people who follow his crap walk and talk without getting attacked by a sucide bomber. Bush clasffiying giving aid to the Earthquack victims as a fight against terror. Seriously bush, give it up, it's not happening...
  15. Lorie

    Che Guevera

    u took my simple blunt statement of mine and put it into logical terms. But it is true, we are just getting a clash of the left and the right, neither is acting correctly and both claim to have god on their side. As homer said, " i prayed this morning flanders and we both can't win:. I don't...
  16. Lorie

    Che Guevera

    yeah thats what i meant.
  17. Lorie

    Recommend me some music...

    foo fighters, pearl jam, living end, less than jake, pollyanna, jebediah, Nofx, dandy warhols, antispektic, cake, dropkick murphys, green day, queens of the stoneage, useless ID, the used.................i could go on forever that should give u a nice diverse range while keeping the music to...
  18. Lorie

    Che Guevera

    it's a bit of a........... fucked from the left fucked from the right isn't it.
  19. Lorie

    Should Slide Tackle Be Banned?

    no because a clean slide tackle is the best way to get the ball off an attacker. The game has changed some things such as the backpass rule and allowances in the off side rule to make it more exciting. GEtting rid of the slide tackle would take away any chance the defence have against the attack.
  20. Lorie

    Secrets to Economics

    get a hold of ur syllabus and use it as ur study guide. Divide the topics up and learn each aspect of it. Make sure you are able to use recent figures and stats for each of your topics. Consistantly summerise the topics untill u know it like a pattern, that way come essay time you are marely...