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  1. S

    HSC at TAFE

    Well, no you were wrong. OTEN dates prove this, as do other posts. unless YOU are never wrong. That would be different.
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    leagal major project?

    Copywrite does not count if the image is satirical
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    I need some serious guidance.....

    so what did you decide to do?
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    NEED HELP! Desperately

    wel...what did it mean?
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    Its OK. Look at past ArtXpress pictures. There is plenty of nudity
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    TAFE Course Question.

    and jjapanes
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    TAFE Course Question.

    If you are happy to study by correspondence OTEN offers HSC Ancient history, some IT type courses and commercial courses in writing. Phone 9715 8000
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    Hsc At Tafe?

    Institutions that have a long run of great results can help you get better marks as long as you co-operate. Their is room to consider the teaching is better, more closely aligned to syllbus requirements and the resources are better. This is true of all places getting consistent high results...
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    HSC at TAFE

    Kami has made a mistake in his advice. He seems to have a problem with OTEN the distance education institute of TAFE. You can enrol in Preliminary at any time. You can enrol in HSC from november in the year before you sit the exam until April 30 in the year of thexam. yOU CAN GET...
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    I need some serious guidance.....

    May be you can use what you have to demonstrate the push/pull people exert of religious concepts to promote their own agenda. Think of the irony of both world wars where each side claimed god was on their side. Think of the absence of god in places like concentration camps. Think of...
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    Hsc At Tafe?

    Yes I am entitled to my opinion. Just because you say it is abusive does not mean it is. If you look at your post one could say you commit the deadly sins you accuse me of. You know pot, kettle, black. As to ranking. The BoS in a sense ranks schools, TAFes etc and the teacher ranks the...
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    HELP PLEASE (all art people)

    Sounds original. Remener this exam is not about art but about the syllabus requirements. This means you need to answer the questions in my previous post to be sure of a good result at marking
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    HELP PLEASE (all art people)

    Look at it through the syllabus What is its dominant frame? You could pun on the idea of it being post modern. Play around with the words. you could cover the actual postit notes with postmodern jargon. What ideas or existing power structures or art concepts does it challenge. Does it...
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    Help....Major World Events....Please Help!!!

    go to Listed on this site are links to timelines. These timeline list major events in the order they occurred. They are towards the bottom of section 6. You could go to google again and type in timeline. This may give you a broader cross section such as history science...
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    Help....Major World Events....Please Help!!!

    go to got to the bottom of the page and type what you need in the google search and press search. This will give you good results
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    How does your teacher mark your BOW

    You should try doing it at TAFE. They have no computers, no paints, no paper no nothing but a teacher. The students supply everything in the way of art materials. If you do it by correspondence you don't have a teacher in the room with you or any supplies. TAFE students still get into...
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    How does your teacher mark your BOW

    Just on that Duchamp thing it is more correct to say that the post modernists followed the Dada strategies. This makes it historically correct as the Dada established the ideology first
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    How does your teacher mark your BOW

    Good on you for accepting what I said about Duchamp.. This means you can learn. Learning is about having the capacity to change. I looked up your school. Mostly the art department there has a great reputation. You are having trouble getting your questions answered. My advice is to keep...
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    How does your teacher mark your BOW

    Your posts make me think you overestimate yourself and underestimate your teachers. You know the technical but do you know the aesthetic? That is the real question. Where do you find it? How do you recognise it? Duchamp died before postmodernism began. He never even heard the word...
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    How does your teacher mark your BOW

    As to marks. They are not entirely subjective. My teacher gives us a marking scale that is derived from the BOS outcomes in the syllabus. Easy to follow and easy to aim for. Lots of students seem to know more about art than their teachers but is this really the case