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  1. Ghost1788

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    everyone has AIDS....AIDS, AIDS, AIDS..... ;)
  2. Ghost1788

    The brainstorm thread!

    we had no limits on what we could as long as the program read/write to files and used the data obtained in some way...
  3. Ghost1788

    UNSW ProgComp 2005

    yea same as me very few ie 1-3 ppl out of 28 actually possess the reasoning and logic understanding to program in my class, so annoying wat good is 2 not a team a team is 4... the sample q isnt too hard is it....
  4. Ghost1788

    Cathode Rays meh..i say no more.... Ghost
  5. Ghost1788

    physics gurus: aether experiment help

    Ok i not sure about the inaccuracies because my understanding is that the two beams of light arrived in phase, however if it is as you said then i would blame it on the error and not on the 'aether wind'. All that you need to know for the HSC is that the michelson and morley experiment set...
  6. Ghost1788

    losing weight at GYM?

    um i roughly 194cm 104kg ...
  7. Ghost1788

    Who to choose?

    ok...good luck..hope it works out 4 you
  8. Ghost1788

    Ever thought about what you REALLY want as a career?

    umm id like to study Software Eng. or Electrical Eng. or Computer Sci at uni otherwise i'd go be electrician while i find ways of getting one the 3 mentioned via TAFE or sumthing
  9. Ghost1788


    Ok this is goona seem stupid but how do you use bit torrent and where do you find the torrent files(on the net)... I have tried dling torrent files via morpheous but if u dc then i restarts when i reconnect so how is it supposed to be done...and why the files so big
  10. Ghost1788

    Who to choose?

    so........have you chosen one yet... when /if you do tell us how it went...... :p
  11. Ghost1788

    VB6.0 help ... Counting fortnights + Monthly interest charge

    both read and write... i wanted to do sumthing different and the only thing i could think of is a mortgage tracker...i very unimmaginative.....anyway...its a bit late to change and i thought that it would help me understand how a mortgage works...(trying to hit two birds with one stone...)
  12. Ghost1788

    Who to choose?

    um this may seem stupid but what makes you think 'you' need to choose, have either asked you out? If not then wait for one of them to make a move and ask you out, that way the one that asks you first is ur guy...i guess :)
  13. Ghost1788

    VB6.0 help ... Counting fortnights + Monthly interest charge

    ok srry i didnt update but i found that out now but umm do u or anyone else on Bos know any good sites to learn Excel late binding technique. The program i making needs to be backward compatible with different versions of excel, unfortunately i only found this out today and i running office...
  14. Ghost1788

    VB6.0 help ... Counting fortnights + Monthly interest charge

    ALso do u know how to export the dates to excel such that say all dates are shown in say column a while all dates of the settlement are shown in col B note that each date has its 'OWN' row...
  15. Ghost1788

    the way it works...

    umm.. i dunno how this may work for u but i find that the good tutors read your body language with out u knowing and slow down. Also when i dunt understand sumthing they relate it to sumthing else or explain it in sumthing that i understand
  16. Ghost1788

    Visual Basic... Where can you learn it

    i found the best way to learn VB was to develop mini programs and using the builtin MSDN library find what keywords were required to do what i needed them to do.
  17. Ghost1788

    Revision Questions

    actually i think they are the same but the two refer to different points in the Software development Cycle in the defining stage you would use stepwise to break up the problem then when you have developed a rough solution to the problem top down would be used to break it up into modules , this...
  18. Ghost1788

    Revision Questions

    Stepwise refinement : An approach to problem solving where the problem is broken down into successively smaller components until each individual component is easily solvable Top-down design : The process where the problem is refined into smaller subproblems, which are then treated as separate...
  19. Ghost1788

    VB6.0 help ... Counting fortnights + Monthly interest charge

    Thanks its not exactly what i had in mind i was thinking based on monthview control, and export to excel. I think i worked out how to do just afta i started the thread. i in the process of checking whether my code is bug proof. But thanks u showed me a different approach to the problem...
  20. Ghost1788

    VB6.0 help ... Counting fortnights + Monthly interest charge

    Does anyone know how to code a monthview control to produce the following values ("The "*" represents the monthly anniversary of the settlement date which in this case is the 19th,") 12/04/2005 * 19/04/2005 26/04/2005 10/05/2005 * 19/05/2005 24/05/2005 7/06/2005 * 19/06/2005...