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  1. Ghost1788

    Computer Science minor/electives

    i thinks this is the part where we all say thanks to sunny and for that matter all the ppl on BoS forums who answer the questions that confused ppl ask and actually known what they are talking about (at least i hope they do cause i *trust* believe them)..... Ghost1788
  2. Ghost1788

    how do i interpret all this info

    O_o thanks Sunny last question...i think OK from the quote above i'm guessing that you get to choose 3 electives, assuming i'm right whats the difference between {COMP1011 and COMP1021} and whats the difference between {COMP1711 and COMP1721}. Apart from the difference in...
  3. Ghost1788

    how do i interpret all this info

    umm....all of it especially regarding the stages and the subjects and the UOC
  4. Ghost1788

    how do i interpret all this info

    Ok so theres no prerequisites... 1) wat is required of me to get in? 2) how do i interpret the page on my opening post? I currently do 3U Mathematics 2U Chemistry 2U Physics 2U STD English 2U Software Design and Development 1U Studies of Religion
  5. Ghost1788

    how do i interpret all this info

    Hi i am a yr 12 student and i am interested to applying for the Software Engineering Course but I have no clue how to interpret this page.... Can someone help me...also what are the prerequisites for this course *excuse...
  6. Ghost1788


    Organs....or .... Orgasms?... *smiles*
  7. Ghost1788

    How do u distinguish the state of 'love'

    Lol, thats awkward...
  8. Ghost1788

    Hell Embarrasing Moments (or good saves)

    omg that is a classic lol, not to mention a little sad (abu that is)
  9. Ghost1788

    would it matter if the guy/grl was a goth,prep,or nerd?

    lol, on the note of the question....I would be kinda bothered by a goth though i have met some nice ones but many creepy ones, if u tell me wat a prep is i might be able to answer that and a nerd...well a nerd is a name given by not so smart ppl for ppl who appear smarter than them(most of...
  10. Ghost1788

    How do u distinguish the state of 'love'

    I ask this question after reading this which got me interested....what do the ppl of BoS think/know being in Love is??? Ghost
  11. Ghost1788

    how have people asked you out?

    I got no Phsych majors, but i guess that everyone skim reads as in only reads the main words and puts them to make a sentence, however i kinda get a little dizzy when i read it. Maybe we should actually read it properly....but that would take too much time....meh *goes bac to sleep*
  12. Ghost1788

    Are you too shy to approach a girl / guy? Ideas?

    Yes perfect except for the many years in jail afterwards.....
  13. Ghost1788

    Girls, what do you expect out of a first date?

    OMG lol if he doesnt get it this time he is stupid........oh wait tooooooo late
  14. Ghost1788

    What do you look for in the opposite sex?

    Intelligent(in different areas than me but some common ground) Assertive Good looking without make-up Easy to talk to Cute.... Interesting Personality
  15. Ghost1788

    how do u people stay motivated when studying???

    This is what i do.... Lock my self in my study and kick anyone out of my room or anyone who dares approach it. I very sensitive to sound....very effective I end up in a trance in which i just study, study study till i get tired or hungry [usually afta 3-4 hrs] give it a try... the hard...