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  1. Ghost1788

    Model of Household Circuits

    the others just help identify the circuits ie. yellow is one circuit, green is one circuit etc... ;)
  2. Ghost1788

    Optimising XP

    Hey ppl a good system utility i found is called Everest which can be downloaded at the site linked below very good in my opinion a good overclocking motherboard is the ASUS P4C800 Deluxe it has dual bios and resets...
  3. Ghost1788

    Strip aerobics

    yes i sure she would like to do them class' with you 'slip', so long as the pole aint attached to you..... :rolleyes:
  4. Ghost1788

    Do u think were behind???

    yeah wat velox said Physics is easy to read ahead in the only thing u would need to ask your teacher about is applications of the formulae
  5. Ghost1788

    mp3 players...

    Creative MuVo 5gb its very good though a little pricey my firend has one and its preety good. though wat ever MP3 u get i reccommend that you get one thats uses the common style batteries ie. AA, AAA, the replacements for the other proprietry style batteries are spelling sucks
  6. Ghost1788

    Model of Household Circuits

    if u PM me ur e-mail i will send u the pics of my assignment, though i suggest u find a proper drawing
  7. Ghost1788

    sex toys

    And then comes that little brother or sister that puts anything in their mounth, picks up the toothbrush turns it on and starts sucking on the 'non-bristle' end......
  8. Ghost1788

    Model of Household Circuits

    What kind of model are you talking about put a pic of an example or sumthing, suggestion try doing ur home circuit it shouldnt be too hard to draw up and then do your model from that I'll try get u a plan i had to draw up for year 11, u could be able to use that... If you decide to use your...
  9. Ghost1788

    Stargate Atlantis

    Honestly i reckon that SG atlantis would be better if it was based in the Milkyway galaxy and it was set up similar to the alpha site or that ZPM's werent necessary for inter galaxy wormholes that way more interaction with earth. I like Sg-1 better Atlantis suck except for the technology. I...
  10. Ghost1788

    Concerning the activity in the Chem forums..

    hmm yes starting the hardest part of studying yea i ova that i started in the hols afta i failed half yearlies
  11. Ghost1788

    Concerning the activity in the Chem forums..

    meh... maybe they are studing it rather than posting bout it in BOS... or maybe they putting their chemistry into practise and possibly their physics tooo..... :rolleyes:
  12. Ghost1788

    WHY are you doing RE?

    i hate it i suck so bad in SOR i in catholic school and i suck really hard with history type subjects. I dont mind aboriginal spirituality but JEWISH MARRIAGES OMG i need help it just goes in one ear out the other, or in through one eye out the other, since i reading it :eek: :( :eek: :( :mad:
  13. Ghost1788

    What is space-time?

    Ok wanton-wonton your right, just to clear up any confusion zenger69 check the text book as well before you ask and also try charles stuart HSC online they have syllabus summaries if u need to refer to them for a fair number of courses
  14. Ghost1788

    What is space-time?

    adding on... without space there is no time, without time ther is no space i think space-time refers the the space-time continum refered to by einstein as a 'grid' which is bent and distorted by large objects and their gravitational field. tip if you wanna get a feel for it all watch the...
  15. Ghost1788

    can max acceleration be negtaive

    it says acceleration refering to the positive component of the vector not the negative component which is associated with deceleration... therefore the maximum is 20
  16. Ghost1788

    time between relationships (merged)

    Question what do you ppl think of ppl who start another relationship almost as soon as they broke one off. eg/ one of my friends she dated this guy for 6mths then afta they broke up it was 2 wks b4 she was dating again and soon afta she broke up with the new guy and it kept goin for a few...
  17. Ghost1788

    helping guys shop

    Thats kinda true... though i neva shop i get all the clothes i need from friends and relos on my bday and chrismas but i dont mind goin shopping with the chicks. funny how they get amuzed with the fluffy kids toys it can be scary/but cute....
  18. Ghost1788

    Who's class is up to From Ideas to Implementation?

    Damn 9 days since we had starte it and we have done ~3/4 of it.. we ripped through it hard...
  19. Ghost1788

    Plane Geometry!

    A rhombus is a parallelogram with which 2 adjacent sides are equal and therefore all sides are equal and diagonals bisect each other and are perpendicular to each other .... i think.... Note the overall shape is very similar to a ||'gram except that all sides are equal. You could also...
  20. Ghost1788

    Plane Geometry!

    True that i have found that if after a tuition lesson/session you still have problems which a topic you asked them , then the tutor is not working for you. different people learn better with different teaching techniques so u may have to try a few tutors to determine which works, either...