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  1. aussiechica

    Help Support Exploited Indonesian Workers

    No really, Im not having a go, I totally do not understand your last message. Spell it out for me
  2. aussiechica

    Greatest ever game created....ever

    Hey, what happens in Monkey Island? Ive heard of it, but I dont know it
  3. aussiechica

    Help Support Exploited Indonesian Workers

    Oh okay-- Soz, I thought that that place was for people yr 10 and unders. Sorry! Next time Ill post there instead of double posting :) cheers ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? bloody wtf? I really dont follow you. Are you saying that my issue is not serious or that its too serious or that...
  4. aussiechica

    Help Support Exploited Indonesian Workers

    your all right- TNCs/MNCs are taking over and theres little we can do about it. What we can do is make an effort to try and ensure that these MNCs act in a more ethical method on their path to world domination and make them aware that its a priority and that we, the consumer, do actually care...
  5. aussiechica

    Help Support Exploited Indonesian Workers

    Thanks guys for your support. Yeah, it is terrible about the number of companies that do do this. This petition is only a small start. Unfortunatly, we cant takle all the big fishes at once- but by targeting Nike well have increased the quality of lives of thousands of workers and we can all go...
  6. aussiechica

    Support Exploited Nike Workers in Indonesia!

    Well, yes, Nike is the head and not actually the manufacturer. But Nike has dozens of manufacturing plants around the world which it outsources to. Nike hires these companies to do its making for it. However, it has a right to impose upon its factories min standards of pay/conditions etc (many...
  7. aussiechica

    Support Exploited Nike Workers in Indonesia!

    AUSSIECHICA- Hey year eleveners! Did you know Nike treats it workers all around the world like crap? Of course you do- everyone knows that all the big MNCs get a kick out of it. But until now, asides from vowing never to buy Nike stuff again (which is a bit nuts, because other companies do it...
  8. aussiechica

    Help Support Exploited Indonesian Workers

    AUSSIECHICA- Hey year tenners! Did you know Nike treats it workers all around the world like crap? Of course you do- everyone knows that all the big MNCs get a kick out of it. But until now, asides from vowing never to buy Nike stuff again (which is a bit nuts, because other companies do it too...
  9. aussiechica

    first person in a business report

    No! Dont do it! It is MONDO bad! My teacher wont stand it-- I got marked down for it and she does HSC marking. even little things- ie I wrote 'My case study ...." and she put big Xs and angry faces. It should be THE case study So be careful, its a major nono. But I suppose it COULD...
  10. aussiechica

    first person in a business report

    No! Dont do it! It is MONDO bad! My teacher wont stand it-- I got marked down for it and she does HSC marking. even little things- ie I wrote 'My case study ...." and she put big Xs and angry faces. It should be THE case study So be careful, its a major nono.
  11. aussiechica

    Difference between internal and external technological influences

    Its from the Management/Change topic
  12. aussiechica

    Difference between internal and external technological influences

    okay, I think I understand. Thanks :)
  13. aussiechica

    GST as an external influence?

    lol I love that movie so much. But damn that bunny scared the crap out of me the first time round :eek: Anyways, your bunny is beautiful. Well done A++ :)
  14. aussiechica

    GST as an external influence?

    okay thanks :) btw.. scary bunny
  15. aussiechica

    Difference between internal and external technological influences

    Okay, just so Im clear: Mobile phones got invented, so businesses phone companies had to compete and start selling them = external? Technology improved so that the mobile phone company could make them faster, thus causing them to lay off workers = internal? Just say some technology for...
  16. aussiechica

    GST as an external influence?

    Okay then- thanks muchly :)
  17. aussiechica

    Difference between internal and external technological influences

    Can anyone please explain to me simply how to tell the difference between technology as an internal or external influence Thankyou!
  18. aussiechica

    The 0.05 cent question ... price points

    From my pretty notes: Price points are a pricing method of using one base product to reach numerous target markets. Using price points, a business will start a product at a particular price. This original product will become the base product. The business will then create a number of...
  19. aussiechica

    GST as an external influence?

    Hello again business bunnies! With management and change, Ive got 2 texts telling me two different things about GST as an external influence- ones saying its economic, the other legal. Is it economic, or legal or both? Also, if something applies for GST it applies for all tax right...
  20. aussiechica


    Thanks :)