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  1. aussiechica

    Film Noir Conventions?

    Will do. Thanks :) Okay, well maybe 'blather' wasnt the best way for me to describe what I was going to do . I was planning to go over the general values of film noir (ie. wealth corrupting, crime as an epidemic etc) as well as the elements which helped create it (ie. the popularity of...
  2. aussiechica

    Dramatic Irony in Fontline Eps

    QUOTE: Irony in Playing the Ego Card..well I'm not too good on this stuff...but wouldn't it be when everyone was trying to get the credit and Brian gave them all the same speech and encouragement at the end and then took the credit himself? This is the rite episode, I think! Yeah, it...
  3. aussiechica

    Film Noir Conventions?

    Okay, Thanks very much Iambored (and McLake) Reading over my notes, here is my final cunning plan- please tell me if its okay: If I speak about the Big Sleep as a subgenre of cf,the subgenre being hard-boiled cf. I discuss the conventions of hardboiled cf and then blather on about the style...
  4. aussiechica

    Dramatic Irony in Fontline Eps

    QUOTE: a huge example of irony would be in the seige, where at the end the whole situation is repreated with a much darker ending Yeah, but isnt that sophoclean irony- irony of fate? Things turn out opposite to what is expected?' QUOTE: hhm good question its hard to say the whole show is...
  5. aussiechica

    Film Noir Conventions?

    Hi! Im doing The Big Sleep as a text. However, the fact that Film Noir is not a genre is spinning me out (yes, I know that there are arguments to the contrary saying that noir is a genre, but Im saying that its a cinematic style. But if anyones reading this and going OMG i thought it was a...
  6. aussiechica

    Dramatic Irony in Fontline Eps

    Hi! As a little excel-bitch (I love those books- where would I be without em) I was totally stuffed when my book started going on about the eps we aint doing. I have a bit of a problem with irony (im dumb btw)- I have trouble telling the difference between dramatic irony, sophoclean irony and...
  7. aussiechica

    "making up" lear interpretations

    Okay then. Thanks everyone!
  8. aussiechica

    "making up" lear interpretations

    I like your 'just bullshit it strategy' (and trust me, I will fall back on it), but Id feel better knowing what the markers want- so yeah, if anyones got that info, please share Sammmmmuel, Ive never heard of Arnold Kettle but it sounds GREAT and I will look it up. THANKYOU!!!!
  9. aussiechica

    "making up" lear interpretations

    Hi! The q my teacher has given us is this: "image you are directing a performance of king lear and you have a particular reading of the play. Explain to the people playing the roles of the women in the play how you would like them to represent these characters to reflect the reading you have...
  10. aussiechica

    CR Word Limit

    lol.....i bet thats what all the showcase worthy ppl say ;)
  11. aussiechica

    CR Word Limit

    Thankyou- youre the best! Best wishes- your ext two sounds great from what youve posted so far, Im so jealous
  12. aussiechica

    CR Word Limit

    What is the wordlimit for critical responses please? Ive lost my sheet, and I cant remember what the no. was and I cant find it anywhere and I really need to get this polished off soon. :( Thankyou and goodluck to us all :)
  13. aussiechica

    Is there other people like me?

    Yeah- Im in the same boat. I was topping it from 7-10, and now Im just middling. I reckon the main reason at my school is that all the latent smart people have woken up to reality and are working 10x harder + all the things you guys already said. You can never be too creative. I mean...
  14. aussiechica

    trials trials trials....

    Mine too *hugs* best wishes!
  15. aussiechica

    Minimum Standards of Labour

    Good idea PIE, will do! Thanks very much and goodluck to you also
  16. aussiechica

    Minimum Standards of Labour

    Argh! My text books are screwing me around again Leading Edge says that its about not exploiting workers. Neilson says that its about educating workers and how 'training and development is a key responsibility of employers in developing countries' Which is it? Is anyone has any notes on...
  17. aussiechica

    Derivatives Question

    Oh right then, thanks!! Those are in my books, they just dont call them 'natural hedging' Thanks dahlink!
  18. aussiechica

    Derivatives Question

    Thanks! That was most useful. However , you mentioned something about natural hedging. Ive never heard of this before- what is it and do we need to know it? Thanks alot :)
  19. aussiechica

    Derivatives Question

    Hey Hsc Bunnies! Argh! My exam is Tom, and I thought I had a good grasp on everything, but derivatives are making my brain hurt :( I have 2 diff textbooks that I get my notes on ( the Leading Edge one, which everyone says is shit, but I like becaue it keeps things simple & Nelson, which...
  20. aussiechica

    skull beneath the skin - quotes?

    lol. I share your pain- a realy cool one is: Death. Thats what I was afraid of. Just death. Stupid isnt it? There was never a time when I didnt see the skull beneath the skin - Clarissa pg 125