I and a group of friends are planning to have a holiday on hte Central Coast somewhere, and we were considering having a campfire on the beach at some point.
Could some kind Law student please let me know where it would be possible to look up whether this would be legal or not? Google has...
that's why i bought all my carmody books :D
A new author who i can't remember the name of wrote a book called The Aware. It's very good, sucks you straight in and next thing you know you're disappointed as all hell that she hasn't written the rest of the series yet
hehe me too, and you're not meant to read in bed cos you learn to associate bed with being awake reading or something like that. I pay no attention to that, maybe that why I always have so much trouble sleeping :p
At the moment I usually snatch a few minutes in the morning when I'm meant to...
Today was horrible, going from comp 1711 to discrete :( My friend and I couldn't concentrate at all because we were still really hyped up.
And don't even get me started on his use of partial fractions! >_< Us non-4-Unit people never had a chance
I don't suppose you know anything about a Hollerith reproducer or unsw asset 42?
The others I fully intend to do on my own tomorrow morning but those 2 have me stumped
How about we make fri on the scientia lawn? whenever i go past there's never anyone there so it should be ideal...
Tell me about it :rolleyes: I'm still only half done and my tute's tomorrow