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  1. I

    CSE email

    ok, thanks, I already did the sirius thing but i forgot to write down what Richard said about our cse mail so I wasn't sure of the address. Anywho... off to 1711 forums!
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    CSE email

    Can anyone tell me what our cse email is? ie.what my address would be?
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    Do you want to organise a meet?

    Friday 10-2 is my best...
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    UNI is so BORING!

    so you didn't fall prey to the "all students should start off doing 1711" line ;) I can't wait for the computing to start, Richard is even better than I was led to believe :D And I would have to nominate MATH 1081 as the worst, is it too late to change lecturers?
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    Printing Quota

    I just checked my CSE account and found that I have 145 pages >_< Some guy in a higher year told me I'd get 500!
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    TAS - "Tutorial Unallocated"

    Does anyone know why I'm still unallocated even though I listed at least 3 preferences? And whether it means i have to re-renrol?
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    TAS - "Tutorial Unallocated"

    i'm also unallocated :(
  8. I

    what is this "cse" email they speak of?

    But that doesn't answer how us other newbies get ours does it?
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    UNSW clubs & societies

    I'd join that too, depending on what kind of freebies you give out :) I ain't joining without freebies
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    whats everyone doing for their projects?

    I had to use, FutureBasic, like VB except that I had to plot line by line the entire interface. I feel so sorry for myself :P
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    ACM prog comp..

    You'll have fun tomorrow then. Pity the competition is on Thursday :D
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    Sophie's World

    The ending was probably my favourite part :)
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    A clockwork Orange

    I read it a couple of months ago, never saw the movie, and I liked it.
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    what's the longest book you've read?

    Neverending story... as far as i remember my edition had small print and ran to approx. 1000 pages
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    Sophie's World

    Anyone else read this? It's a great intro to philosophy and a decent plot too.
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    Fun in SDD

    I'm one of those people who always found SDD fun :D However, a couple of things that stand out in my memory are that my teacher had a never-ending store of semi-relevant anecdotes, we had a fairly relaxed environment in class, and the teacher taught us the great anti-Microsoft way, which...
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    The Literary Acquisition Thread

    not soon enough for my liking thats for sure a couple of days ago i managed to pick up secondhand copies of Mickey Zucker Reichert's Prince of Demons and The Children of Wrath
  18. I

    Did anybody else here hate the English syllabus?

    I hate the way you end up pulling pieces of texts apart for the techniques. Like when we did Hamlet, basically all we did was read the key speeches in class, get told to read a couple of scenes at home and then study themes/setting/character etc To me, analysing texts in English is like...
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    Where do you read?

    I can read virtually anywhere anytime, but i prefer to read either on my bed or curled up on the couch And Jinglebell, I totally sympathise with getting carsick from reading. I always do it too and then I have to close my eyes for a couple of seconds every few minutes to make the sick feeling...
  20. I

    Class of 2003 HSC Exam Marks for SDD

    nah not really, i just spoke to to other guys from my class who also both got 96 and they don't come here