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  1. I

    does anyone know of a uni where law <90?

    hmm thanks guys, those should help
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    Class of 2003 HSC Exam Marks for SDD

    96:D :D :D it was easily my best exam mark
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    err, he's got 2 new books out now, The redemption of Althalus, and The elder gods. personally i didn't like the elder gods because i'm getting sick of the way he always uses the same plot devices over and over again (sweet little girl who has ultimate control over most events...
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    does anyone know of a uni where law <90?

    looking at a uai of about 87 but really want to get into law first year. Can anyone here help?
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    LEAST favourite book?

    Picture of Dorian Gray by (i think) Oscar Wilde usually I can read virtually ANYTHING but this book defeated me after a couple of chapters
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    wow... you guys are my kinda people *hugs everyone* most of my favourites have already been mentioned but there's always more good stuff out there Holly Lisle's Secret Texts trilogy and the prequel Vincalis the Agitator (but stay away from her other series) Thraxas books are good but i...
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    Question 22 exam thoughts

    finish rest of exam. stare at algorithm for 20 minutes. Perform deskcheck. Start writing complicated answer about how I couldn't find anything wrong, and THEN i saw the f*cking thing! It was definitely the switched_on variable
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    Apology to SDD students..

    wow that makes me so grateful that I have a really good teacher. Thank you Stephanie Schwarz!!
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    Section 2 of exam doesnt seem to reflect the syllabus at all.

    Setting some kind of standards would be a good start, you could also make team members keep logbooks and then review to make sure they do their own work or acknowledge others. I can't think of anything else to make up a 6 marker... EDIT:Oh and I agree about the syllabus and exam not meeting...
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    technical feasibility

    Potential problems -> whether you need custom drivers, whether a connection can take heavy traffic, that sort of thing is also useful to know
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    My Binary Search Algo-ma-rithm

    what's "it"? You need to take the integer or truncate it manually to show the examiners you're aware of a potential error from a fractional index, you can't just assume that everything comes out alright
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    What are you doing between chem and software?

    The worst is that I can't take an all-nighter because I'll be dead for SDD if I do. And yeah, caffeine sounds good
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    Results for this practical

    The NaCl is to be a 3% salt solution, apparently this best mimics seawater. If they ask about this as a prac you need to mention how impossible it is to get identical-sized pieces of metal, therefore experiment isn't very valid because variables haven't all been controlled
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    Medical Physics Option? WTF!?!

    The annoying thing is that I DO know how electrons produce X-rays, it was the 2nd Q in the option, but in the exam I got really hung up on the display part and ignored how PET and CT actually use electrons themselves. Oh well... 5 down 2 to go
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    Chemistry Summary

    ????? That seems a bit random. Cyph hasn't even said anything in this thread And so far I've failed to see any evidence of totalitarianism
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    The Anime Thread

    Saying that all anime fans are overweight is like saying that all people who watch footy are moronic yobbos As for the no friends thing, I bet you're the same sort of person who a couple of years ago thought that any fan of Lord of the Rings was a fantasy geek with no friends yet now it's a...
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    the experiment question- magnets n current

    yeh but the Q was about the effect a larger magnetic field has on CURRENT, so I would assume you need a way to measure current somehow -> ammeter or galvanometer
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    wat was the answer to that beaker question with the wires in it??

    you know this one guy in my class asked (in all seriousness) whether we would be allowed to take a fake right hand into the exam with us
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    Medical Physics Option? WTF!?!

    ergh I forgot to mention how X-rays are produced from electrons... but I did mention how semi-conductors with electron-hole stuff allowed us to make computers to collate the images so hopefully that'll get me something
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    Did Anyone Get Confused By The Wording Of The Time Dilation Question

    my thought was that it's a multiple choice, you're meant to be able to do each one in about a minute or less, therefore just sub into the damn equation and get 16.7