indochina (a)
yeah it was a pretty general sort of question, u kinda needed to outline what happened in indochina between 54-79 and relate back to america so there was a lot of things to remember.
bad luck mate. im sure it normally takes a few weeks at least to come in the mail. re: employment, if its that important talk to a lawyer. there is a good behaviour scheme but im not sure that p platers are eligible for it.
havent read other posts so sorry if repeating. it depends alot on how old these kids are: preschool u could understand but once you're beyond kindi or year 1 then thats no good.
yeah come to think of it that three mark question was the hardest one. really i could only see one effect. i wrote three but im pretty sure that they all mean "they shat their pants"
Re: Howd you find it?
i thought it was pretty good. wasnt too hard at all.
ww1 was easy. i did an assessment on totalitarianism for germany so that was good. the personality question suited leni riefenstahl. american responsibility in indochina was pretty general so that was alright too.
yeah the 60's but its really only from 65 or so. music like hendrix, dylan, the beatles and cream. but the stuff from the early 60's (like early beatles stuff) was pretty awful.
yeah u might get away with it. but remember that if u only study half the content properly, then ull pretty much be forced to answer that question whether u like it or not. i know u might have done alot of work on it but that doesnt stop the question from being really hard.
get a doctors certificate or whatever its called. id say apply for misadventure - if its not approved well u havent lost anything by trying. apart from that, go to a chemist and rest up
gee i didnt think of schoolies when that was on the news. sorry bout that that really sucks. get your money back or not?
when were u planning on going? do u think the travel warnings will come down after a week or two?
next week i have physics tuesday, PE wednesday and chemistry on thursday. one of my mates has those three plus geography on friday too. luckily tho thats the last exams i sit so at least i dont have to back up from that
yeah put it that way and you're right.
but the point i was trying to make was that its entirely within their rights to do what they are and that this sort of thing happens every day.
did i not say it should be subsidised?
but am i right when i say that if the azithromycin costs 30 bucks, then it wont matter whether or not its is on the pbs list (unless you're a pensioner/concession or veteran) because the cost this year is 31.80?
if the treatment course for pertussis is 5-7 days and the azithromycxin costs 30 bucks its hardly a massive shortfall of the system. absolutely it should be covered, but in reality it wouldn't be much cheaper for anyone except veterans.
as for the optometry association i dont know anything about...
i did on page one. this is no different from your doctor charging u above and beyond what is require by medicare. and this isnt something new either; people buy expensive medication that is protected by patents all the time. it is up to the government to subsidise the cost of that medication or...
drug companies own patents on everything. when a new drug or in this case, a test is developed, that company has exclusive rights to its manufacture and sale for x years (depends on what it is but it could be up to 15 years im pretty sure).
their first priority is to recoup the costs they...
dont worry too much about parking. i mean u need to know how to do it but people dont fail for stuffing up the park (unless you're an idiot and mount the kerb) they fail for going through stop signs and not giving way and stuff. concentrate on that (cos its kinda more important than your reverse...