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  1. nick3157


    yeah i think alot of people did king and lincoln. i bet no one did pearson his speech was so bloody long and boring.
  2. nick3157

    Speed in other states

    im pretty sure u can drive the speed limit. think about it u have to obey the laws of that state and surely that includes the speed limit no matter what the law is back in nsw?
  3. nick3157

    wheels and rims....

    lol 185's on 14s. with hubcaps
  4. nick3157

    Trial harder then HSC?

    yeah ive found trials harder at the mo. but still we've only done english so we could still get a really nasty paper.
  5. nick3157

    Ever accedentally left a blank page in booklet?

    i did it twice in paper one. i just wrote in big letters: sorry skipped a page pto. i think theyll get the message.
  6. nick3157

    SC Monitors are they strict???

    lol yes they eat little children. they're really nice. ive got the same ones now that i had in year 10
  7. nick3157

    Finding it difficult to concentrate?

    lol i can stare out the window for a couple of hours rather than study
  8. nick3157

    Caught cheating

    lol wow thats pretty desperate. to do it in english is pretty stupid too cos that one counts.
  9. nick3157


    yeah trust me 70% isnt all that bad. and if hes working off the current n award whats the problem? sounds like his school just sucks.
  10. nick3157

    Speeches anyone?

    yeah it was pretty general hey. but thats ok cos it worked really well with lincoln and king
  11. nick3157

    No one old me that we had to do 3 essays!

    sorry mate but u didnt have to do that. u only had to do one of them
  12. nick3157

    No one old me that we had to do 3 essays!

    lol. i hope u didnt answer all three questions in section 3 lol.
  13. nick3157

    Survey for uni

    18 p2 1 year 4 cyl subaru privilege no 20 no not any more but used to all the time on red p's yes yes only a few times cos we couldnt be bothered waiting and paying for a taxi yes no. we dont have public transport in tamworth after 6pm (yay we're so cool!) and we have a lot of parties out of...
  14. nick3157

    School Not Allowing Us To Drop A Subject

    i dont get why its such a crime to only do 10 units. i can understand your teacher getting up u for dropping their subject but not the deputy or whatever. dropping 2 units was the best thing i ever did in year 12
  15. nick3157

    The benefits of purchasing a HANS device

    sorry i assumed u wouldn't be stupid enough to wear a helmet on the road. do what u like mate
  16. nick3157

    The benefits of purchasing a HANS device

    wtf? a helmet on a public road? and 40 degrees isnt good enough. shame if u have to turn a corner at an intersection - i mean i like to see traffic before i pull out in front of it. whats wrong with u?
  17. nick3157

    Creative writing lol..

    lol thats so funny. i bet all the markers sit around and laugh at all our stories.
  18. nick3157

    The benefits of purchasing a HANS device

    i wonder how much u can turn your head in one of those. would it be safe to drive in one on the street? oh and id wear a balaclava or something as well so no one can see your face cos you're gonna look really dumb.
  19. nick3157

    350z, RX8, IS250 or Crossfire?

    or he's just lazy and boring...
  20. nick3157

    Breaking P curfew - How?

    really? cos i thought u had to apply for an exemption for family members. theres nothing on the rta website that says u can drive family and its one of the things on the exemption form here