Hey, cool, I got spotted! I'm not trying to sound like a machosist or a sadist or anything but it honestly didn't hurt that much. That area of skin is so soft it wasn't much effort for the piercist to pierce the skin at all. Took less than a second.
I sure do man. I have my labret pierced and my rook (inside ear as well.)
Remember me? Sorry for the zoned out look, I've been up since 5 this morning. It was a bitch driving 3 hrs each way in 40* heat. Yeah, I was there from about 10-30 til...
So who went today? Sorry I didn't see you honky - I was wearing denim shorts and a grey t-shirt with a cow smoking on the front. Did I happen to see anyone else?
C'mon guys, look at the bright side! A chance to put behind you a lot of the embarressing nicknames and events of the last 13 years and start afresh for the most part ;)
Anyone who's going to Newcastle Uni just say so and I'll be friends with you!
natstar - It's a date! (Of sorts...)
evilc - I haven't ridden the Stockton Mini (I think that's the one you're talking about) but I can't wait to....
FadeToBlack - I can't believe how hypnotic your avatar is...
I have a spare bike I'm planning on bringing, its a decently specc'ed rig...
I know I'm not much more than a lurker/occasional poster but that's because I like to read more than speak my own mind. But, who is looking likely to be going to Newi this year? I can't wait to meet new people. Hopefully I'll meet some people with the same interests as me (metal, hardcore music...
If you really want tickets, email me at four130warrior@hotmail.com ... I can put you in touch with someone who is selling tickets for around 85 each (from memory)... but don't post here because I rarely come here.
That, in my opinion, would reflect bias in displaying, whereas it asked to "Describe bias in data collection. I talked about only collecting significant types of data, such as a credit card company only collecting information on how many times cards were used to show they generated the most...
I honestly didn't think it was too bad. I just talked about three things:
1) His intellectual work being used with no compensation
2) Data privacy - his friends may not want his other friends seeing their information etc
3) Technical = filesize. Not that I put this example in, but you know...
Heh, needing a calculator to convert dec to bin? It's like needing a dictionary to speak for me :shy: Sorry for bragging, but I guess it's a good thing I can do it easily as it's part of SDD :uhhuh:
Like del said, there's no way that they're going to ask you to calculate anything that needs a...
Yes, hi.
In my opinion the easiest way to remember it is to think of HTML code. (or vB code in this case)
For instance:
<b> tells the browser to display the enclosed data in bold.
<i> tells the browser to display the enclosed data in italic.
You can have more than 2 tables, it depends on the extent of the normalisation and of course the fields and their relationships in the database.
I can't help you with the second question, as I only know of 1FN and DKFN... but Excel is a pretty thorough guide...?
LOL, I did Ancient for Prelim, I was commenting to my girlfriend (who's sitting the A.H. exam as I type) that if I hadn't have dropped it, I would be in your situation, and frankly it would suck. I had two exams on the one day in the trials and it was the worst day of my life. That day I...