Fuckin' A. I think it's gonna rock, it's the exam I'm most looking forward to out of them all. Like someone said in the English forum, now the bullshitting is over and we can get down to knowing real answers!
Haha, yeah, I have a *reasonably* intelligent friend who decided to answer all four option topics. Funny thing was that the teachers marked all four (but didn't count the ones we didn't study) and he scored better in the other two....
I went with the wedding photo, told a story about my best mate getting married and how his new missus was getting all clucky on him and he wouldn't go out doing crap with me anymore, then I got scared half-way through that I might get a Feminazi marker and finished along the lines of "Well, we...
I mean, only having 3 new texts instead of four was good, section 2 was so open ended that it plain ruled, and I personally think I went pretty well in section 3.
I have a broken middle finger in 4 places so I had the option of a scribe or extra time to write by myself, (10 minutes total) and...