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  1. R

    Q: "What kind of lawyer do you want to be?" A: "A rich one!"

    When it comes to choosing what kind of lawyer to be, the answer is “rich”. Unfortunately, being rich is not as easy as it was in the bad old ’80s, when many law graduates were given a BMW right at the graduation ceremony. Luckily, however, there are still plenty of opportunities to get...
  2. R

    Law articled clerks laid off

    This would be the last thing I'd care about though. Very low or non-existent on any of my priority lists. Welcome to the real world. To generalise broadly, this is allegedly what top/mid tier firms do to their articled clerks anyway. Every year, articled clerks complain about being worked like...
  3. R

    Law Path

    That is good advice.
  4. R

    Proving your age in 2009?

    As ChokoRepublic said, you can also get proof of age cards from your State govt, most likely from the Consumer Affairs department and/or from RTA.
  5. R

    Proving your age in 2009?

    Here it is: Keypass photo ID - Recognised Photo Identification for Australia
  6. R

    Proving your age in 2009?

    There's an ID card that you can get at the police station, I can't remember what they're called. But the card is a valid proof of age and identity.
  7. R

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    ohhhh yes you can: Programs for registered nurses Our suite of postgraduate specialty and advanced practice coursework programs is available to registered nurses who want to take a lead in their chosen specialty area. Available specialties include: anaesthetics; critical care; emergency...
  8. R

    Law Path

    I don't know that there is a 'best' way, there are so many variables involved. It sounds like what you really need to do is talk to actual lawyers who are doing the kind of thing you want to do and ask them how they got to where they're at. The way I see it, there are two types of lawyers who...
  9. R

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    I have no doubt that most med students think what they're doing is altruistic and I'm not arguing with the results of the survey based on that. It won't mean a thing though, if the med students argue that their intentions are altruistic and they're simultaneously planning a stop-work strike for...
  10. R

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    The results are all acceptable as long as you accept that they are nothing but personal perspectives, that's all they are, personal perspectives. Same as the Gitmo example I offered earlier, the results of that survey reveals the reasons why certain people make the decisions they do, regardless...
  11. R

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    I never argued that doctors should be in it for purely altruistic purposes, you're mistaken if that's the case. I agreed with the basic need for remuneration amongst other things. The point I'm debating here is the use of a highly subjective survey as 'proof' of an objective issue.
  12. R

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    I fail to see how altruism, by its definition, is applicable to someone who claims to be selfless and therefore altruistic, and yet is concerned (and still not satisfied as per SWSydneyTutor's criticism) with financial reward of the kind that is only offered in the medical profession (as opposed...
  13. R

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    Looks like the survey is designed to ask medical students for their own personal perspectives on why they choose a career in medicine. The predictable results are a reflection of how they view themselves. It does not reflect reality. It's like what they say about the Oscars - the results are...
  14. R

    Law Path

    I didn't say that at all, in fact in a previous post above I was just talking about the top barristers who make $10k-$15k a day. You do the math to work out the potential annual earnings from that. Barristers are basically independent lawyers who work for themselves. I was just trying to work...
  15. R

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    Exactly. It really suggests they're in it for perceived prestige/money. I would go even further and say that if they're really genuine about their intentions, they'd also apply for a nursing course if they don't get into medicine. I have never met a med student list 'nursing' as a backup career...
  16. R

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    There is no sympathy because these same students will go ahead and do the same thing to future students, as history has shown. When compared to other areas particularly the nursing profession, medical graduates are already well-rewarded, and to hear criticism about the salary being ‘not very...
  17. R

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    Good question. Take salary out of the equation and the only people left doing medicine would be the ones doing it for the prestige, the apparent high regard afforded to their 'Dr' status by society. Take prestige away, and a vast majority of them wouldn't even be there. If there really was an...
  18. R

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    Well, if you don’t have any evidence to back up your claims, then don’t speak as if they’re fact. I’m perfectly fine if you state that that’s your opinion, however. That is a testament to the system that the medical profession has set up for themselves in the form of arrogance and hard-nosed...
  19. R

    Law Path

    It really depends on what your career plans are, and what your requirements for being a 'prominent lawyer' are. If, as you say, 'barrister = big gun', then I don't see why you couldn't work for a crim law firm from the start, particularly if you're looking at specialising as a crim law...
  20. R

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    A vast majority of them do. It would be arrogant to claim that medical graduates “don’t earn very much” when medical graduate salaries are clearly and significantly above the Australian average wage. There are far worse graduate salaries out there. Speaking of 'big bucks', are you saying that...