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  1. tonberry_kun

    Exam Reactions

    even better is today when i walked out of my DSS exam 1hr 20mins into it (3hr exam) i did... multiple choice... and... and... ...i labeled my question booklets!! :D yes that is all... meh bugger it, it's over (for now)
  2. tonberry_kun

    Fail = Permanently on record???

    15$ sounds like a fair price :D is it true? *crosses fingers*
  3. tonberry_kun

    Fail = Permanently on record???

    must devise a plan to remove the fails from my academic record >.>
  4. tonberry_kun

    Exam Reactions

    umm 0/12 for assignment 1, 0/14 for assignment 2, and 2.5/14 for assignment 3... yes i do realise i suck
  5. tonberry_kun

    Exam Reactions

    well i need 95/120 for data org to pass (since i only did one assignment and i got 2.5 for that :p) god i'm screwed
  6. tonberry_kun

    Exam Reactions

    data org sucked... /end random rant
  7. tonberry_kun

    Where are you all?

    i get that feeling when im sitting with the exam paper in front of me, kicking myself for not studying and staying up the night before playing addictive javagames
  8. tonberry_kun

    Exam Reactions

    weee INFS1602 sucked /end random
  9. tonberry_kun

    Where are you all?

    GENEDs i've done: Introduction to australian economy: craptacular/poring... (tho should be easy for those who've done micro/macro) - not recommended Astronomy: altho the lectures are rather poring, the night viewing classes are quite fun - recommended btw Minai, what do u mean u've already...
  10. tonberry_kun

    Exam Reactions

    horay for having all my exams crammed in the last week one after the other >.>
  11. tonberry_kun

    Computer Science minor/electives

    hmm its 2nd yr and i still don't know whats going on :p ah well, thanks for your quick reply sunny :)
  12. tonberry_kun

    Computer Science minor/electives

    hmm since i got no where else to put this i'll just shove it here on the site it says that CSE students are not allowed to do any gen ed course from science faculty at all?? (at the bottom of the table which says GENSxxxx) but i...
  13. tonberry_kun

    Computer Science minor/electives

    so... what sort of electives are available for 2nd years? i've only enrolled in the 2 cores im required... have 2 electives i haven't chosen cuz i dunno what i'm allowed to choose its 2nd yr for me, but i do remember that useful tool when in first year, i'm hoping there's something like...
  14. tonberry_kun

    Computer Science minor/electives

    when u go to the myunsw page and u enroll for a certain semester's courses, how do u find out which electives you're allowed to do? or can you choose anything at all?
  15. tonberry_kun

    How Many Conceded Passes...?

    holy... i never knew there was such a limit -_-' damn 1/3 chances gone already :(
  16. tonberry_kun

    2004 Session 2 - Results and WAM (4 UPDATES)

    ======================================================== Session Course Title Result ======================================================== S2 COMP1021 Computing 1B.....................73 CR S2 ECON1102 Macroeconomics 1.................47 PC S2...
  17. tonberry_kun

    2004 Session 2 - Results and WAM (4 UPDATES)

    finally got maths -_-' MATH1081 - 64 MATH1231 - 59 COMP1021 - 73 there are my crappy marks :D, change from all the ppl posting 90s...
  18. tonberry_kun

    2004 Session 2 - Results and WAM (4 UPDATES)

    i haven't gotten mine one yet either :( maybe i failed
  19. tonberry_kun

    Exam Bitching

    how do we check those marks?
  20. tonberry_kun

    The Anime Thread

    haha main character dies? thats a change at least...