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  1. tonberry_kun

    The Anime Thread

    naruto is turning into dragonball style of 50years of stalling and dragging on with 10minute staredown competitions... need some new anime, what's got lots of hacking and slashing? :D
  2. tonberry_kun

    Exam Bitching

    finally its over altho discrete did suck such mega-ass
  3. tonberry_kun

    Exam Bitching

    its lovely havin an exam a week after everyone else has finished aint it...
  4. tonberry_kun

    the OC

    wait wait wait, what this about kirsten and a baby?? wtf?? i don't remember anything in the ep about it
  5. tonberry_kun

    Exam Bitching

    yay discrete maths tomorrow! i've only studied 2 days outta the 8 day break... go me!
  6. tonberry_kun

    the OC

    what's the non-ratings period? and why is it called that?
  7. tonberry_kun

    How do I delete my account?

    if u want closure/ fixing up loose ends... just log out and never return/delete ur bookmarks etc.
  8. tonberry_kun

    the OC

    aww last ep tonite... i miss it already :o
  9. tonberry_kun

    Exam Bitching

    placebo effect n. The beneficial effect in a patient following a particular treatment that arises from the patient's expectations concerning the treatment rather than from the treatment itself... as in, it makes u think it works, but actually didn't do squat and its all in ur mind :p...
  10. tonberry_kun

    Exam Bitching

    neither works... placebo effect...
  11. tonberry_kun

    Your Favourite 10

    In no particular order: 1. TFC 2. CS 3. Ultima Online 4. Tekken Tag 5. FFVII 6. Gunbound 7. Warcraft III/Frozen Throne 8. Starcraft/Brood Wars 9. Diablo I/II 10. Heroes 2/3/4
  12. tonberry_kun

    How do I delete my account?

    just leave it to rot, no need to clean up after urself :)
  13. tonberry_kun

    Latin study day?

    u sure the RSI doesnt come from something else? i mean NFS:U2 doesnt take more than 2-3 fingers, accelerate,left/right, gearshift(if manual)
  14. tonberry_kun

    Australian Idol 2004

    ª WTF ª
  15. tonberry_kun

    Australian Idol 2004

    the fat lady sang...
  16. tonberry_kun

    what up wid the game?

    your "more/larger" HD & RAM probably pulls more power than ur friend's comp, hence urs crashes and hes doesn't... or that they are overheating because of this... a long time ago, my comp used to restart everytime i ran anythin other than IE and ICQ... but this was on my PII 233 with a dodgy...
  17. tonberry_kun

    Half Life 2

    can i run this on my geforce2 mx? :D
  18. tonberry_kun


    and i'm still stuck playing games that came out 3 years ago -_-' so poor...