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  1. Y

    General Thoughts: Latin Continuers

    +1. the only thing mildly interesting in grammatical terms was the syncopated perfect... and they told us what it was!
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    General Thoughts: Latin Continuers

    I thought that bit for the Virgil unseen just meant "Lavinia, the cause of all the trouble" i.e. because Turnus and Aeneas are fighting over her. For the shield question i talked about the exemplification of Roman virtues and connected them to patriotic/political motives as i went along. For...
  3. Y

    General Thoughts: Latin Continuers

    I thought it was pretty good... Translations were fine... commentaries were pretty predictable (Mettus to Manlius, come on), but i didn't really know what they were looking for in the question about Brutus' speech (part i) and I think i screwed up the Hercules and Cacus question... :hammer...
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    Burning Your Stuff!!

    That's the beauty of the English set texts changing. =P
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    complex number question with tan

    First rationalise the denominator by multiplying top and bottom by (cosa+1)-isina Then you get ((cosa+1)-sina)/((cosa+1)^2)+(sina)^2) Tidy that up a bit and you get (cosa+1-isina)/(2+2cosa) Take out the two from the denominator (1/2)(cosa+1-isina)/(cosa+1) =(1/2)(1-(isina/(cosa+1)) Now use...
  6. Y

    Module A

    I just picked bits and pieces out of the quote, e.g. "comfort" "God" "freedom" "goodness" and wrote what was essentially a preprepared essay under those headings. Looking at the other questions for module A, even for in the wild, they seem a bit more specific than BNW/BR...
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    I want to use The Wild Swans and Sailing... 3rd choice is When You Are Old know Second and Easter vaguely don't care about Byzantium (as with most people, it seems)
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    Least Favourite Modules

    A... for me writing an In The Wild essay is always fighting a losing battle, getting the right balance between ideas, techniques, context, etc. Also BNW sucks. As for B (Yeats) and C (A+C) ... i quite like both lol
  9. Y

    What pen have you been using for you HSC exams?

    yeah, but you can get like 50 of them for $10 lol. i lose pens easily...
  10. Y

    What pen have you been using for you HSC exams?

    I just use Bic crystals lol. I also have some Artline pens... but for some reason they make my handwriting look terrible, so i'm not using them atm.
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    General Thoughts: Japanese Continuers

    That question was silly though... how is taking a bus and turning left difficult?
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    General Thoughts: Japanese Continuers

    Lol, was that girl meant to sound drunk? I failed the Yakisoba competition one... the whole of the first reading, I thought it was like a Japanese popeye - he eats yakisoba TO BECOME a champion. WTF IS GOING ON??? Other than that it wasn't too bad, writing questions were pretty standard.
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    Section I- Text 3- "The poem"

    I totally thought that was a metaphor for the emotional baggage he had with him or something stupid like that lol.
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    Order of sections?

    3, most of 1 (screwed up 1c), then 2
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    Uni's wishing us good luck

    Got one from UNSW and USYD. UNSW's was nicer and longer. Therefore, I'll put it as my number 1 preference.
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    Whats the last subject u looked at?

    Lol, well it looks like you need more work on english than me if you can't identify a simple rhetorical question.
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    Whats the last subject u looked at?

    Umm..... maths. Reading that makes me feel like an idiot. Why aren't I studying for English?????
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    wat was ur avg UAI in ur school?

    I don't think our school ever bothered to work out stuff like median uai...
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    Who's relying on the days between exams to study?

    I will also be doing all my study for Japanese in the 3hr or so after the English AOS exam. :)
  20. Y

    Who's relying on the days between exams to study?

    Sort of... i haven't started studying for chem or latin ext yet (just latin cont and english as well as a bit of maths) so i suppose i'll be making extensive use of cramming between exams... there's about a week between 3U maths and chem, and then another week before latin ext.