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  1. Y

    average marks for e2 and e1

    E1 - Usually 79/84, give or take E2 - Low to mid 100s/120
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    who could possibly answer that question except for you?
  3. Y

    What study did you do today?

    Yesterday... - Essays for each module (Eng.), also practiced paper 1 section 1 - About 1 hr of a 4U paper, got incredibly frustrated and gave up lol - 3U paper
  4. Y

    Study notes how many pages?

    English - About 10 pages / module, so about 40 pages Chem - About 15-20 pages / module, so about 70 pages Latin - Not including translations, about 50 pages Latin Ext - Not including translations, about 1 page for the shorter poems and 2-3 for longer ones, maybe about 30 pages? Maths - None...
  5. Y

    Using an image as related text

    I'm using an image for powerplay and it's working fine; an image shouldn't limit your ability to get into band 6 at all. Just make sure that you actually analyse it thoroughly. tbh i think it's better to have a detailed, in-depth analysis of a simple text than trying to summarise some 2hr...
  6. Y

    English = Study block

    but the worst part of advanced is AOS lol
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    Are you planning on learning a language at Uni?

    No... doing japanese for the HSC has put me off the idea completely.
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    HSC past papers

    Nah, it just means it'll be INCREDIBLY hard this year (before they bring in mc!)
  9. Y

    HSC past papers

    Depends on the subject. 4U maths has been relatively easy in recent years, for example.
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    Scenario: HSC Starts tomorrow?

    English - probably about same as trials atm. learned all my notes, now need to do practice. Latin Cont + Ext - no hope, ext isn't for five weeks anyway and i haven't looked at it yet. Japanese - w/ever, not studying anyway Chem - probably could wing 60~%. not really started yet though. 4U...
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    What study did you do today?

    Hmm.. 1 4U paper and 1 3U paper learned notes of two Yeats poems revised notes of other three Yeats poems not an incredible amount. but i guess it's getting a little better.
  12. Y

    What study did you do today?

    Learned notes on two poems of Yeats Revised one more poem Learned a couple sections of commentary for Latin ... wow, not a lot lol
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    Assessment marks on the net

    Yeah, I don't think you can get your assessment marks. But assessment ranks come out on the 12th of November.
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    Evaluate this integral

    Tommykins' way only works if it's cosx/(cos^2(x)+2sin^2(x)) i.e. (du/dx)/(1+u^2)
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    What Chem Prerequisite Knowledge to know?

    This is what I think is most important: - Writing+balancing equations/ chemical formulae - Yr 9/10 stuff =P - Systematic names for organic compounds - Hydrogen bonding, dipole dipole forces, dispersion forces - Moles, molarity, solubility - Basic energy stuff (e.g. exothermic/endothermic...
  16. Y

    are you happy with ur overall internal ranks

    I'm very happy with my ranks... but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be if I knew my English rank. =/
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    When given an assignment that requires researching....

    Depends what subject. For chemistry assignments I just used the internet, including wikipedia (although I didn't accept any of its information before checking it elsewhere). For Latin and English, I went straight to the books.
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    Graduation Discussion

    Re: whens your graduation This friday.
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    Rate the difficulty of ext 2 topics from hardest to easiest

    1. Harder 3U 2. Conics 3. Complex numbers 4. Mechanics 5. Volumes 6. Integration 7. Graphs 8. Polynomials
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    - = Period Of Dormancy = -

    Sure. I've barely picked up a textbook all week. But it'll be okay once the holidays start.