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  1. gordo

    Official World Cup Draw Live Discussion

    if we advance we have to basically play italy or czech republic. both would smash us
  2. gordo

    GPA question

    so my 3 84s this yr get screwed over my watever wam is?
  3. gordo

    Islam Discussion

    i didn't read a single post in this thread except that last one by u, so forgive me if i was out of the ballpark :)
  4. gordo

    Islam Discussion

    depends if divine beings who created the physical world our goverened by it. Are you governed by the 1's and 0's that make your windows run? pretend everything that happens in your computer is like oiur 3D world, then u have you sitting with your kb and mouse, like god, in the 4th dimesnion...
  5. gordo

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    wats soil mechanics? the rate at which water diffuses in soil?
  6. gordo

    Official : Whats the worste thing a student has done to a TEACHER!

    a kid in my chemistry class in yr 11 took the fire extinguisher and sprayed it everwhere during was like that dust cloud when the twin towers fell down it sprawled out and everything went white...we all pissed ourselves and spent the whole day having to clean the room, the guy got...
  7. gordo

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    sweet a d in engineering mechanics yay i got my d average (just) so i can do next phase of adv eng next yr
  8. gordo

    GPA question

    hahaahhahahahahah....HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH you're a twat
  9. gordo

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    84 in aircraft design
  10. gordo

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    credit in integral and stats
  11. gordo

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

  12. gordo

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    66 in torts
  13. gordo

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    get a life maybe? i can;t beleive u guys have conjured 5 pages on this with like 1 result released. Go ENJOY your holidays!!!! its especially amusing when at the beginning half of u are like i don't really care about my results this, you're not fooling anyone.
  14. gordo

    Would you be freaked out?

    buy him a new graphics card
  15. gordo

    Wolf Creek

    i just hired saw on dvd haven;t seen it yet
  16. gordo

    Parking Tickets

    haha yeh u get a criminal record and u get deported
  17. gordo

    What are you currently Reading?

    haha i read all of those like 10 years ago
  18. gordo

    Someone come with me to the Big Day Out '06!!!

    u'll get raped in the mosh
  19. gordo

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    yup no exam
  20. gordo

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    84 in advanced engineering....stoked