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  1. gordo

    Commander in Chief

    west wing absolutely shits on it
  2. gordo

    Timetable Clashes

    believe me when i tell you the law lectures arn't important, they are just guest speakers, I went to 3 the whole semester. 2 cause they were in regard to assignments that were due and 1 cause i was bored, in the 1 wen i was bored and it wasn;t in relation to the assignment about 20% of the year...
  3. gordo

    2006 USYD Law I

    Besides the medium of english, the HSC and law have nothing in common.
  4. gordo

    any Capeetarns?

    Fuck Bitch Cunt Shit Bastard Crap Cocksucker Slutbag Fuckface Dilemma Dickwad Dickhead Asshole Ass Asshead Dickface Cockface Cockblocker Cuntstain
  5. gordo

    Newcastle Admission

    you stole my name
  6. gordo

    2006 USYD Law I

    i'm probably the most intolerant usyd'er you'll meet, so try not to take anything i say to heart. I hope you have a great year, it sounds like you're going to fit right in. hug etc
  7. gordo

    ENGG2062 is it worth doing?

    i'm feeding from both hands :)
  8. gordo

    ENGG2062 is it worth doing?

    yeh they do it every year. as long as your on the dean's list they'll send u an invite if you complete the whole programme (the respective subject each year) then you get a minor credential to add to your cv
  9. gordo

    ENGG2062 is it worth doing?

    it clashes with amme2301 on thursdays though its pretty stupid of them to put 2nd year advanced engineering at the same time as a compulsory 2nd year engineering subject.
  10. gordo

    Semester I Timetable (2006)

    isn't that one of those things u say and then realise u just said it out loud?
  11. gordo

    Semester I Timetable (2006)

    u'll find you'll miss 90% of your 8am lectures
  12. gordo

    Semester I Timetable (2006)

    i have one gay subject that has 8 am starts mon-thur only wat a fucking rort
  13. gordo

    Wonderin about MATH 1001,1002,1003,1005

    in relation to the computers i talked about, i meant the concepts we learned, not the actual number crunching
  14. gordo

    Movies you're looking forward to

    syriana lord of war da vinci code
  15. gordo

    Wonderin about MATH 1001,1002,1003,1005

    i found statistics to be the most useful maths we did, everything else is irrelevant cause computers do it for u
  16. gordo

  17. gordo

    World of Warcraft

    I played it for a few months wen i finished my HSC and it was the greatest game, just don't play it too much or it will take over your life. I have an account with an awesome lvl 60 tauran druid if anyone wants it, i dunno if blizzard would have still kept it or deleted it by now. it was on...
  18. gordo

    What Cars does everyone drive??

    I want to get a 1956 morris minor