Search results

  1. gordo

    subski NZ ski trip

    haha sorry my bad once again i meant u take first chair up last run down if u can't afford to go for long periods of time and u only spend 3 or 4 days in thredbo per year, especially when your forking out 80 bucks a day just for a lift pass. wat about the 5km village trail they advertise, its...
  2. gordo

    subski NZ ski trip

    mate, you're not the only one who has skiied overseas... Believe me, we are on the same wavelength but I was letting ppl know u can make the most out of skiing in australia, which for most ppl, is the only place they can afford to ski. you're real lucky that u've had the oppurtunity to...
  3. gordo

    Google + Davinci Code

    Re: Google + Davinci Code prizes i think the puzzle will go all the way up to the release date, so there will probably be more after these 24 puzzles finish
  4. gordo

    subski NZ ski trip

    by higher I meant compared to its base, Thredbo's drop is from 2050m to 1350m whereas Perishers is aboout 2050 to 1750, thats an extra 400m vertical drop at thredbo which transforms into longer runs, like keypad said, the supertrail is awesome when racing with friends. Plus, in the 12...
  5. gordo

    Google + Davinci Code

    Re: Google + Davinci Code prizes today's sudoku was more difficult
  6. gordo

    What's your most moving piece of music

    actually, while on this topic, is there anyone else who agrees that John william's score for Schindler's list is the greatest film score ever composed.
  7. gordo

    Google + Davinci Code

    Re: Google + Davinci Code prizes yeh but its more fun to play it like a chess game :)
  8. gordo

    What's your most moving piece of music

    copmosed by john williams, Itzhak Perlman performed them in the film
  9. gordo

    What's your most moving piece of music

    ye there are a few for me too, but do u have one in particular that just feels like it envelops your whole body into another world as it's playing.
  10. gordo

    What's your most moving piece of music

    What piece of music, any kind of music, is the most moving, as in emotionally touching, for you For me it's the Schindler's List violin solo.
  11. gordo

    Usyd V Unsw

    the end of third year it is compulsory to do about 8 weeks work experience in your industry in order to go on with fourth year and graduate. They have several programmes with companies to undertake students, i only really know of the aeronautics one where qantas takes some students each year out...
  12. gordo

    subski NZ ski trip

    nar most of em are ex waverly and scots boys, a few jews though ye
  13. gordo


    Re: Lost - Discuss Future Episodes Here! i guess to get walt back michael had to free henry but it looked like he shot himself in the arm to frame henry maybe he has that "disease" that the french chick talked about it also means he might be lying about the others living in tents and having 2...
  14. gordo


    Re: Lost - Discuss Future Episodes Here! OH MY FUCKING JESUS HOLY WAT THE FUCK AIOGHDOW)# @(*&^$)@#HDEQD!!!!!!
  15. gordo

    subski NZ ski trip

    perisher is fine for beginner/intermediate skiers, you just have thousands of people skiing up and down the piste/marked trails, I am not saying thredbo is an advanced skiing resort by global standards, but by australian it certainly is. Thredbo is higher than perisher and has more challenging...
  16. gordo

    Usyd V Unsw

    yeh it totally depends on what stream u do. I've heard the unsw courses have a lot more hands on throughout every year, where as usyd is more of a science degree where you learn more theory. Although to be honest in my first year I built a 2 seat light sports aircraft and a remote control...
  17. gordo

    Google + Davinci Code

    Re: Google + Davinci Code prizes todays was alot easier than the video last time there was nothing cryptic at all
  18. gordo

    Final Exam Timetable Semester 1, 2006

    Re: Draft Exam Timetable Semester 1, 2006 sweet i got a day off in between everything AMME2301 Mon 19 June 9:20 - 11:30 10 MATH2067 Wed 21 June 12:00 - 1:40 10 MATH2061 Fri 23 June 9:00 - 10:40 10 LAWS2008 Tue 27 June 9:20 - 11:35 15 AMME2500 Thu 29 June 9:20 - 12:30 10
  19. gordo

    Google + Davinci Code

    today's was pretty easy for the puzzle and the question
  20. gordo

    Google + Davinci Code

    i'm back yay new month, no more cap time to do some catch up