on the brochure about how to enrol it has that if ur accepting ur position at the uni u have to accept within 5 days of recieving notice that u got into a course but it also says that if u want to defer then not to accept and that u have until the 25th or 28th of february to defer, but wont they...
i have come to the conclusion that if u want a uai in the very high 70's, 80's or 90's you must get HSC results in the 80's/band 5 and in the 90's/ band 6, otherwise your screwed and have no chance or doing anything good at uni
every one understands what ur on about. people who have gotten 79. something miss out on 80 by point of a something or people who have gotten 65.8 and miss out on 66 by .2, they all understand. of course the number above what u got is going to sound better, but everyone knows how it feels not...
i think the uac way of determining uais is unfair and sucks.we should just all sit an over all exam/ the same one exam and they could rank us according to that then u'd have ur TRUE rank because everyone would have done the same exam...they way they do it now is shit
its not different. just because i didn't get a great uai doesn't mean that i haven't been working my arse off to do well at school. i have worked so hard the past 6 yrs, especially these last to yrs
u pplz getting 89 shouldn't by pissed off that u just missed out on 90...u should be happy, u should be jumping up and down, some people would kill to have gotten 89 ok
and u can still probably make it in to a course needing a uai of 90...they do put out 2nd round offers
u never find out how u went cos u never get the mark for ur body of work...if u do good in ur hsc results for art then u probably did really well in the exam or really well in ur BOW or great in both...if u get a crummy mark then assume u did bad
all this scaling crap. what happens if someone chooses subjects that scale them up, do bad at em but get a good uai compared to someone who chooses subjects that rank low, do well in em and gets a really low uai...isn't that unfair
im bloody pissed off
all u pplz who got uai's in the 80s and 90s should not be complaining that the sam modulator lied to u, they judged it on last yrs results so of course ur mark is going to have gone down...daaa...and this whole uai system is screwed up and should really be discarded. i did well in the hsc, had...
dude r u in yr 9 or 10 cos food tech is only good in those yrs, thats when it is easy. In yrs 11 and 12 food tech totally SUCKS, don't do it. Any other subject is better then food tech
well im glad to say that all food tech notes and work from this yr and last yr have been disposed of...i pritty much feel like i know nothing about food tech...its almost as if i never even did the subject
i was just wondering how do u get an apprenticeship or traineeship? what do u have to do? do u just go and ask any employers (relating to what u want to do) if they will take u? there forms u need to get to fill out...very confused