Hmm, seeems you know alot;
is it possible to get a UAI of 90 with
Eng (adv):22/24 :P
Maths ext1:4/28
Maths ext2:3/3 :P
Studies of religion 1:20/8~
lol, you can do B. art/ b, sci at USYD with 75 UAI and do a diploma in education, that way tou can teach everything :D
or you can just do art for 73, then the dip in education
lol, anywaiz all this talk about study is making me tired and envious, i mite do about 60 minutes,
take care all, and goodlcuk, hopefully after results are issued we are all satisfied
not nessarily, HSC isnt as important as it is made out to be, society puts too much pressure and stress on year 12 students, where in reality, HSC is all you need 2 get into UNI after graduation, so i am atm as carefree. But dont let that fool you, study hard to get the best marks and get into...
lol, well life isnt that flash for som1 such as myself, so i gotta make it better for others. i was thnking of doing politics coz we dont really have any good politicians atm.
Goodluck with you UAI over 95 :D, i wish i was anywhere near that lol.
Congrats :D
best advice i can give you and any1 else is to read what your are going 2 learn the next day, and revise what you learnt in that day if you understand what i mean.
also do he dot points as you go, that way when you have a few exams and assessments, you already have notes...
it is advanced english, and i am 22 of 24 students, however i thnk about 3 marks differentiate ranks 15-23 and about 4 marks between 7-14, so all in all, we are very clolsely ranked.
lhahaha thnx alot harmanksaini, i just wished that every1 got the UAI they wanted and deserved, but in a way i dont thnk i deserve such a great mark, i am relatively lazy compared to that state, hahahaah
ok kool thnx alot for correcting my response to f3nr15
also thnx 4 the rankings thing, though 1 more question, if i am ranked in top 5 for everythng but 22/24 in eng, will that at least get me over 88?