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    After the HSC marks and UAI

    lol heads up, HSC is almost over, no need to be nervous or worried, its all over, and we all have a general consensus of how we did. anywaiz Good luck with whatever you have left and your HSC :D
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    After the HSC marks and UAI

    Hey thanks alot every one, this topic has helped me alot. however i also want to know how significant is the schools rank in your UAI rank? will effect the upper quartile of students?
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    Maths Ext 1 - General thoughts on the exam

    Time limit is the biggest issue, racing against time, its like theyre testing us on speed, rather than accuracy, understanding, and mathematical explantion. but everyone shood stop thinking so hard about 3unit, i thnk about 31% get band E4 so there are enuff hgih bands to go around, seeming...
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    Maths Ext 1 - General thoughts on the exam

    Me :| lol i thwt 4unit was much better than previous years, however 3unit was extremely difficult. I probly got more marks for the 4unit induction that the 3unit one which is kinda sad. i thnk they shoodve put the harder trig from the 4unit in the 3unit paper, and q6 into the 4unit paper...
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    did anyone else mix up "photographers" with "photographs"

    DUDE its a guy from our scool that posted it, and mentions it becuase wagh runs around the scool whinging about people scaling him down, thus increasing the unessesary stress on everyone.. anywaiz forget about it if u made the mistake, modules are worth more GOOD LCUK EVERYONE
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    If English was't compulsory....Who would SERIOUSLY pick it????????? lol

    lol i think you hammered the nail on its head, or wateva the expression is. honestly, am i gonna look at a poster on a wall and analyse it 4 a few minutes admiring it?
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    If English was't compulsory....Who would SERIOUSLY pick it????????? lol

    im with u kobz, i woodnt even take another look at it. the difficulty isnt the problem, its just that the texts are boring, especailly the modules like Gwen Harwood has 6 poems we have to know. HSC english is a joke to the english languae, i miss SC english lol.
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    myth busters---2006 hsc

    lol, again Wagih you made a fool of urself noob :P phd in neurology AND physchology damn man,, she mustve been born in uni. or is your brother married to some1 seven times his age?
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    did anyone else mix up "photographers" with "photographs"

    hahahaaa wagih sorry bout that man, nah i dont think any1 from school or in NSW made that mistake. anywaiz come on msn so i can laugh at you :P anywaiz here comes modules.. 2 every1 sitting the HSC hope you all do well and are rewarded with your hard-work. Peace Abz
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    UAI estimate

    Thanks alot mate, well i believe that our year have some extremely talented student, however there are the exception of about 5 students in each course, mabe a bit more in 3unit maths. Those ranked ahead of me in Maths and Chem are Freaks who can possibly gain high band 6's.
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    UAI estimate

    Christian Brothers High School Lewisham English:25 Chem:28 Phys:25 Maths3u:45 Maths4U:3 They are mostly appoximatons, they can be off buy around 2 people cant ever really keep up with the chaning courses, and dropping of subjects.
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    UAI estimate

    Chem:3-80% Phys:7-70% Maths 3u:4-75% Maths 4u:3-55% Eng Adv:about 18-70% what UAI can i expect to get with those marks? i now english needs imporvemnt lol, but i h8 it
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    Uai =o =)

    lol similiar 2 me :D Chem:80 (rnkd 3rd) Maths ext 1: 86 (rankd 2nd /3rd) Maths ext 2:65 (rankd 3rd lol also last lmao) Eng adv: 70 (somewhere around 15) Physics:72 (somewhere around 10) thses are all b4 my trial exams so they will differ, though with marks like that what could my UAI be?
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    BOW pics

    blacsheep youve got some nice work m8. very talented, though 1 looks like my little bro lol
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    City/Eastern Suburbs HSC Maths 2u/3u, Chem, Phy Tuition UAI 99.45 James Ruse ^^

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    City/Eastern Suburbs HSC Maths 2u/3u, Chem, Phy Tuition UAI 99.45 James Ruse ^^

    Looking 4 a great tutor who knows the course extensively, Hunter is your man. ive had him 4 only 1 lesson and in the space of three hours i basically learnt almost all motors and generators. his professional appraoch to teaching me made me feel as i was being tought by some1 who had actaully...
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    Coaching rates?

    WHO does physics and chemistry tutoring 4 a reasonable r8.. looking 4 about 2 hours each subj per week.....