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  1. tehpyro

    2009 UTS Offers!

    yeeaaaaah... enjoy the free time now. Business is a bitch of a time killer. IT is moderate, I guess.
  2. tehpyro

    Inside info WANTED!

    Your uni friends lied to you. As a BIT student, you'll be hauled up with me in building 10 most of the time. While it is very close to the 'one building' most people think of, it's very different. Then there are some buildings that are closer to Chinatown than to the tower (mainly the library...
  3. tehpyro

    How does Insearch work!!!

    In my high school days I spoke to the careers adviser about this. He explained that it's virtually glorified TAFE. He said that if I had the money, by all means Insearch was a good idea, but that TAFE was almost as good. It really comes to two points: INSEARCH = Expensive, but reliable...
  4. tehpyro

    yes!!!! acceptance to the BIT course

    shhhh, I'm trying to motivate those of us in the BScIT so we don't feel discouraged, drop out and fix computers for the rest of our lives. The fact that I hold a ICND1 (and am studying for my ICND2) means I'll be fixing networks for the rest of my life, but at least that pays better. You're not...
  5. tehpyro

    yes!!!! acceptance to the BIT course

    I know, I know. I'm just saying that people shouldn't worry so much about not getting into BIT. After a few years in the work force, the difference is trivial at best.
  6. tehpyro

    explanation of B scIT +B Bus please

    I'd place it more in 65%+. Credits are still generally good form. Don't worry though, it's not overly difficult to get a credit. Unfortunately I don't know the exact number, but if you've got a decent credit average, and they've opened up enough spots, it shouldn't be a problem even with a...
  7. tehpyro

    yes!!!! acceptance to the BIT course

    BScIT is a 3 year course, just like BIT. You can choose to do industry training (completely optional) which will extend it to 4, but you're pretty much working full time with a little uni work for one of those years, so it's beneficial in a number of ways...
  8. tehpyro

    explanation of B scIT +B Bus please

    Topic of the month for those of us who want to transfer (as nerdy as it sounds, I want to drop the 'cool' business part of my course... pfeew). They're looking at a high credit average (say, 70-74%) going from IT into Bus. I can only assume it will be fairly similar to this, though it might...
  9. tehpyro

    Easiest Business Major

    If you've finished all of the business core subjects, I can only assume that the one you found easiest would be the way to go for the easiest major. If you did poorly in accounting, then it's not going to be the easiest for you. If you did poorly in everything, maybe business wasn't a good choice.
  10. tehpyro

    Insearch diploma?

    I would say that it would be accepted readily. I have a friend who is doing the Macquarie Uni equivalent but is trying to get into UTS. That being said, because Insearch is UTS's own programme, they may look at you more favourably than, say, USYD. Overall, though, the fact of the matter is that...
  11. tehpyro

    lol fight at UTS.

    I couldn't agree more. I wonder when they'll discover that a group of uni kids can't overthrow their faculty, let alone an entire government. Don't get me wrong here, I'm as socialist as can be, but I'm realistic first.
  12. tehpyro

    Enrolment for Classes in 2009

    Don't take this as doctrine, but I'm pretty sure you'll have to choose the other elective. This is based on the idea that there are a set number of credit points you need and 6 CP != 12 CP. That being said, 3 out of 4 of the IT majors have the exact same programming class, and it's impossible...
  13. tehpyro

    Enrolment for Classes in 2009

    Re: enrolment 4 autumn 09 Their (ITD) reasons are mostly: 1) It's not a technical 'problem' per se... they know how to fix it; and 2) It will cost too much money to buy/rent new servers for the few occasions a year that it will be needed. The system was obviously designed to handle only X...
  14. tehpyro

    What you hate about UTS

    I assume you mean University Hall (in building 4)? I'd hope you'd be facing the lecturer in the lecture. Otherwise, you'd be sitting in the chairs incorrectly. Also, level 5 wireless is decent. Unfortunately, since their upgrade of Juniper, there seems to be a problem connecting in building 4...
  15. tehpyro

    B business

    I'm a current Business(/IT) student. I'd have to say the faculty is generally pretty good. You'll find that it's very crowded (not as in packed in, but... there are a lot of students), and there is a lot of group work, but if you're fine with those, you'll probably fit right in. It's hard to...
  16. tehpyro

    transferring to another UTS course.

    Huratio is right. You'll find that UTS will look at your course average. However, if there is a low demand, and your reasons for dropping part of a combined degree are because you're not doing well in one (yet you ARE doing well in the other) you may find yourself lucky. An example: IT: 80...