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  1. tehpyro

    Rudd calls for era of "social capitalism"

    And Gough Whitlam is the head of the Fabian Society. Bob Hawke was a member... so was Paul Keating. Seems like they've been scheming this for years. Better get out the aluminium hats now, before it's too late.
  2. tehpyro

    B Bus / B ScIT 09'

    If you have a printer, you can print out your finalised timetable... once it's finalised. It will be updated before your first class (can't say when-- just keep checking back in the last week or two), so don't worry too much if it says TBA right now.
  3. tehpyro

    ID Cards

    Being that a recent photo would be the only valid reason to issue a new ID, I guess UTS decided to save the plastic.
  4. tehpyro

    B Bus / B ScIT 09'

    March 9th is the start of the March session. Essentially, your "first day" is the first day displayed on your timetable. If, for example, your first class is Communication for IT Professionals, your first day would be February 25th (yes, even as first year students). If you decided to start on...
  5. tehpyro

    Rudd calls for era of "social capitalism"

    Oh, I see. You're one of the "new world order" types. Yeah, the Illuminati are taking us down from the inside out, and we're all sheep. This Zionist movement is a terrifying reality. The banks are controlling us, we can't resist. The government is controlled by those who want to hurt us. The...
  6. tehpyro

    Rudd calls for era of "social capitalism"

    Big government was a term invented to further the anti-communist agenda in the United States. The US had one big problem with communism, and that was the USSR's use of it. One world power threatening another, and people are bound to take sides. Look at the people who criticised Obama because he...
  7. tehpyro

    Rudd calls for era of "social capitalism"

    What the hell is social capitalism? A bit like a totalitarian democracy?
  8. tehpyro

    Bridging courses

    Anything you can muster. Something to write with could be beneficial. Something to write on might go well with that.
  9. tehpyro

    First-Year IT Camp 2009

    Times are tough, my friend. For some people, it's nothing, and the "mandatory" camp is a good investment. I had a hard time pulling some funds together, and found myself short of a textbook, which certainly didn't help (turns out I was able to get a scholarship, but since you're BIT, that won't...
  10. tehpyro

    ID Cards

    As ФСБ (let's be a little more modern than Soviet era) has said, you get a new sticker, not a new card. The card is issued once, unless you lose it, then it's issued twice (or, if you're a retard, more than twice). So your card will pretty much have you looking like an 18 year old jackass until...
  11. tehpyro

    B Bus / B ScIT 09'

    I think they would care, just not as much as some people may lead you to believe.
  12. tehpyro

    B Bus / B ScIT 09'

    I don't know what "ta mang" means, but you're welcome. Where I'm from, being a smart-ass is the norm.
  13. tehpyro

    B Bus / B ScIT 09'

    Yes, yes I do. If you wanted to know the date, it's February 23rd (that's a Monday).
  14. tehpyro

    The UTS 2009 Rollcall

    Bachelor of Science in IT second year. Post note: I transferred from BBus/BScIT, so I've technically only finished half a year of IT, but on that note, I've also been credited 3 "electives". I rounded up.
  15. tehpyro

    First-Year IT Camp 2009

    If IT is part of your degree, yes. B.Bus/B.ScIT students can still attend, if they wish (actually, they're still told it's 'mandatory'). If you are studying in a different faculty, I'm pretty sure they won't like it if you show up. That said, if you know how to get to the camp site, I doubt...
  16. tehpyro

    Enroling in a course and choosing subjects?

    At UTS, you start here: UTS: Start at UTS - University of Technology, Sydney Just follow the prompts. It will set you up to accept the offer, tell you when you can enrol (you'll have to go in to UTS to do it), and pretty much everything else you need to know. You can build a sample timetable...
  17. tehpyro

    UTS Web Enrolment - I don't get it.

    If you know you're going to miss it, you can just change it here. If you're late, you can always try changing it, but they wouldn't make a big song and dance about how you were late. There are so many people that it's unlikely everybody remembers or shows up at the right time. Keep in mind that...
  18. tehpyro

    B Bus / B ScIT 09'

    Yeah... "compulsory" camp. I know many a person who skipped it with no repercussions, and if you don't get your name on the sign-up sheet, you're pretty much able to avoid it. Don't worry about it too much mate. If you can't get in first time, try an Internal Course Transfer either mid-year or...
  19. tehpyro

    Getting started on B Business?

    You'll be spending enough on university books. I wouldn't worry about any supplementary material, as the first year business subjects are rudimentary, and will provide a foundation for later subjects. Anybody with comprehensive English skills could walk in, read the books (by that I mean put...
  20. tehpyro

    First-Year IT Camp 2009

    It's extremely "Year 7 camp"ish. You do the typical "here's your schedule, be here by X" thing. So yeah, group activities, outdoor activities, sleep. You know how it goes.