Search results

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    What happens if you go over the word limit?

    So glad after one and a half years of Engineering I haven't ever needed to worry about a word limit. Logic > words
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    Continuous functions?

    Basically just sub in numbers like crazy in the given x values. Don't really know how else to explain it, apart from don't get yourself stressed over it.
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    2005-Post your assessment/exam marks here.

    Sorry, marks matter at uni? News to me. I'm very happy with the breathing space a credit average gives me.
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    What do ppl do when u have hrs free?

    Just go down to engineering where my other friends are, talk, play hacky sack, bludge.
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    Food at USYD

    $4 snitchzel + chips + gravy - Level 1 Wentworth ~$4.50 Lasagna - Top level of Wentworth The rest is pretty much standard, but these two are my favourites, but nothing beats being cheap and bringing your own sandwich.
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    How many hours a week this semester?

    25 hours Civil. My friend (Civil/Sci) is doing 30cp, 31 hours, 4 days. So funny.
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    Beer and bangers

    It's on Good thursday, all you first years better come! Carry on the tradition of getting pissed.
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    Timetables Are Out!

    8-5 8-4 9-12 8-4 8-9 (in other words - day off. damn maths and moving it to thursday/friday) I've had worse.
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    Big things that don't move? Civil Small things that do? Mechanical Numbers about circuits? Electrical Planes? Aeronautical Computers? Computer Eng. Programming? Software Mixing chemicals? Chem Eng. Robot stuff? Mechatronic Body joints? Biomedical It pretty much boils down to what you...
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    Enter keypad.
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    Flexible = Civil for the first year. Pick one. I'll be joining you in first semester maths because I bludged through it.
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    UAI to low

    Do Civil, get a good average and transfer second semester. You won't do any different subjects.....
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    Session 2 2004 Uni Results

    Eng. Geology 72 Professional Eng. 72 End. Mechanics 74 Statistics 52!!!! Intergral Calc. 54!!!!!!!!!! So bloody happy I passed everything, especially since I failed both maths last semester.
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    Semester 2 exam failures

    Well a couple of results are out for me at least. 72 in professional engineering. 72 in engineering geology. engineering mechanics should be around that number too. Then there is maths, which I will no doubt fail at least one.
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    Semester 2 exam failures

    Lleyton Hewitt......Come on........... Doesn't matter. Gutter ball. ;)
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    Semester 2 exam failures

    Lleyton - is that you? ;)
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    Semester 2 exam failures

    OMG, 1003 was so gay! On raw marks I'll get 30% if that, but hopefully that will be scaled to a pass.
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    Six Australian Universities in International Top 50

    Yeah, I was kind of bagging out UNSW, haven't been to ANU.
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    Semester 2 exam failures

    I always get to uni at least 1/2 hour early. Come exam time its at least 1 hour. So I will never be late. Ever :P I'm all of over the place for exams, so stressing about maths on Wednesday.
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    Six Australian Universities in International Top 50

    Thats pretty much like saying 'who has the most asian/hard working people at your uni'. Joy.