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  1. Shoubadoo

    Are you getting into shape for summer?

    Omg argh same! I miss dance so much, not only cause it kept me fit but was also fun, but it's hard to fit it in with school. Once music's over this week, I am hitting the gym, and once school is over, I'm hittin' the df! Yaay :)
  2. Shoubadoo

    your most regretful hookup

    Well Unluckyinlove07, at least under your industry interests it says 'Healthcare/Medical;' perhaps you'll have learned something from your opo.
  3. Shoubadoo

    Are you getting into shape for summer?

    Agreed. Or if you can't afford the gym, a bit o' pilates every day will put you into shape in no time flat! (I neeeed to do more pilates until I can afford a gym membership again :hammer: )
  4. Shoubadoo

    GUYS what do you look for in a gal?

    Depressed girls look for sex as a release from their pain. That is why men like them. According to my very mature, thoughtful, male friends.
  5. Shoubadoo

    Beijing Paralympics 2008 Discussion Thread

    Duuude I missed the opening cerem! Was it any good?
  6. Shoubadoo

    Sexual Fantasy

    Well...this one time, at band camp....
  7. Shoubadoo

    Ive been studing xhrs on average per day since trials.....

    Zero as I've been studying for two HSC exams I have this week. When those're over, I will study again. Yaay. :\
  8. Shoubadoo

    How do u manage?

    be ORGANISED. That's all there is to it. If you're organised, you'll get work done, won't stress, have some leisure time, and will ace exams.
  9. Shoubadoo

    what are you craving atm?

    Haha, Damn it Zrap, you beat me to it! And I crave Baklava! Mmm
  10. Shoubadoo

    How to attract a girl: The Essential Guide

    And you will fail. Unless you're loopin' in Taco Terro. Regrettably, he is male.
  11. Shoubadoo

    How to attract a girl: The Essential Guide

    I suppose you relate to the Geelong fag teens, then, Taco Terrorist. 'How To Attract A Girl' is the most incorrect shit I've ever read. I'm ever so glad you weren't serious :)
  12. Shoubadoo

    Fav/Worst Airport

    Favs: Sydney, Singapore, LA, Munich. Worst: Hong Kong. Only because it was BOILING and there was hardly any air conditioning! But that was years ago. I hope its changed. London was ok, not fun when you have to spend houuurs there.
  13. Shoubadoo

    Related Text For Truman Show Urgent!!!

    As Jzhang said, 1984 by George Orwell. Just look up books on powerplay on the netz
  14. Shoubadoo


    Too right. In a way, I see being suicidal as like being anorexic. If you are anorexic, people will tell you you are by no means fat, and you may indeed believe they mean what they say, but all you will see in the mirror is an imperfect fat being. If you are a suicidal person and someone...
  15. Shoubadoo

    Sharpest/most witty person in Australian Politics.

    That it twas. I'm surprised it hasn't had more youtube views. This vid goes for just 29 secs, but you see him explaining his little speakos. Oh dear, I felt embarrassed for the guy.
  16. Shoubadoo

    Sharpest/most witty person in Australian Politics.

    Jason Wood, by far. "Genetically modified orgasms- orgasms" Witty "implicimplicatoins"
  17. Shoubadoo

    Is this weird?

    Like Riet said, you're not related to the sisters, so if they're comfy with it, why should you not be... But if your friend starts hittin' on you during the process, hmm now that would be weird...unless you roll that way.
  18. Shoubadoo


    I'm dark, and sensitive, with low self-esteem The way I dress makes every day feel like Halloween My life is just a black abyss. You know, it's so dark. And it's suffocating me. Grabbing ahold of me and tightening its grip... I've pondered the fact that some people feel such...
  19. Shoubadoo

    2008 HSC drama students

    Thanks Smokee, it went absolutely fantasticallyyy! It's so much fun, don't bother stressing about it! Yeah I know, the amount of time drama take up is crazee!
  20. Shoubadoo

    2008 HSC drama students

    When do you all have your Group Work and Individuals? My HSC for both is in two days, August 25th !!!