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  1. Shoubadoo

    prelim solo =|

    Why don't you try that then? There's tons of good sites out there. What genre do you want to do it in?
  2. Shoubadoo

    hating scaling. >=/

    Yes, general practitioner :] I am right, because she will do fabulously, and she does no sciencey subjects. So you can get in the 90s UAI :) I'll ask her about what steps she's going to take after school to become a GP, seeing as she's not doing mathematics, and get back to you. Ciao bella
  3. Shoubadoo

    hating scaling. >=/

    Yeah scaling is stupid in the fact that people can do really shit and drag your marks down, no matter how well you did. But really, don't let it worry you. Worry doesn't fix anything. Do your best, and you will get good marks. Whatsmore, the HSC will not determine what careers you can do in...
  4. Shoubadoo

    hating scaling. >=/

    My friend is going to become a G.P. and she's not doing maths. She very smart and will get awesome marks, but she's not doing any sciency subjects, but 4u english and history and legal studies etc. She could do very well in math, but she didn't want to do it. Pick the subjects you love- work...
  5. Shoubadoo

    prelim solo =|

    Ok, so do you have to write your own monologue, or search for one?
  6. Shoubadoo

    prelim solo =|

    What are they asking you to do? Is there a topic?
  7. Shoubadoo

    2 Major works = big mistake?

    Go for it man! I do two major works, I was doing three (the third being 4u English) but I so detested english 3 that I dropped it, leaving me with two major works. Although I do two, I consider drama pretty much 2 in itself, because I do a group work and an individual project. My friend...
  8. Shoubadoo

    Does God exist?

    No offense taken, I know exactly what you mean. I was there, I'm not lying. The fact that I'm not a Christian anymore and not trying to shove it down your throats should be proof of that :] (not meant offensively). But since you're interested in the subject I'll ask her if she has medical...
  9. Shoubadoo

    Does God exist?

    a) It is incurable, so I believe. So the doctors told her. Maybe KFunk good shed some light, he's the one studying medicine. But the doctors did say it was not curable. And by being treatable, her knees were put in knee braces and given plenty of physical and also occupational therapy, but that...
  10. Shoubadoo

    Does God exist?

    Oh I see now how you meant the question. It is cured. It was treatable and treated by medication, before God, as she believes, came along and made it cuurred!
  11. Shoubadoo

    Does God exist?

    Haha, nup. Not curable, only treatable. I've gotta say, it was pretty freaky seeing her knees hell crippled one moment, and pretty much healed the next. I don't know what it was, if it was 'God' or what that healed her. Her whole outlook on life changed, that's fer sher. Perhaps the power of...
  12. Shoubadoo

    Does God exist?

    Hahahahaha!!, oh my how silly of me. As I wrote it I thought I should change it, but... I didn't. It's what my friend called it when people asked her about her knees, cause she couldn't be bothered to delve further...and most people also took it as 'cerebral palsy in the knees'! I know it's...
  13. Shoubadoo

    Does God exist?

    This friend of mine had a cerebral palsy in her knees and feet. She was at this Christian event called Planet Shakers or something, and the preacher said that if people wanted healing, to look at the spot they wanted healing have faith and he would pray out loud for them (there were thousands...
  14. Shoubadoo

    Does God exist?

    Ok. But how could a spirit, that is, a non-tangible thing, create tangible things? What is god, or the gods? Are we all gods, in our higher sense of thought & being? We will never come to agreement on one thing because to believe, we need proof. And the belief in god is based on faith...
  15. Shoubadoo

    Trials Thoughts/Results

    Re: Trials Thoughts xD Argh I know what that's like. Ever stay up till 2 telling yourself you'll study, but you just don't do anything cause you're so tired, and then you go to bed tired, wake up tired, and sit your exam...tired. I have a feeling that's what's gonna happen to me...
  16. Shoubadoo

    Trials Thoughts/Results

    Re: Trials Thoughts xD It's called last minute study...whilst chatting on BOS o'course :)
  17. Shoubadoo

    Has Anyone Finished their HSC and RETURNED back to school to do it again?

    I hear if you're not happy with some of your hsc grades you can redo those subjects alone again for the hsc. Is this true? Gosh I would hate to do that. But I'm sure you'd feel a whole lot better about yourself afterwards.
  18. Shoubadoo

    Trials Thoughts/Results

    Re: Trials Thoughts xD I feel yo pain sister. English starts tomorrow. And drama group work. Shit. My printer isn't working... I can't print out stuff! :O I've had so much study to do I haven't been able to fit everything in. And two days after my trials end, I have my first hsc exam...