Trust me, I know girls who have slept with around 10 guys by the age of 17... and guys are still having sex with them. Are they trashy? Not in my opinion. Would I do it? No. I have different views to these girls but I can respect their decisions.
She's not hurting people by having sex. Murder...
Well, because he was also talking about cigarettes, they do have some health benefits. I know they help keep Ulcerative Colitis in remission, but may be out-weighed by the negative health effects.
And look at my display pic... Arctic Monkey's new album. Because that says a great deal about me. :uhoh:
C'mon lay off, just because she chooses to take pictures from a high angle doesn't mean she's trash. Although I'm sure you have a very different view of trash. Ultimately, it's up to her...
Slut is such a dumb word. Each person has been through a series events in their life which shape the person they have become. If she'd been in 2 one-year relationships, would people make the same judgements? Or are we all assuming she has casual sex with multiple men? Even if it's the later, I...
Yours is one of the most interesting Schoolies I've ever heard of. Congrats on that by the way.
I just couldn't be bothered with Schoolies, too much organisation. Would rather just do something out of the blue, or hang with the people at home lol.
My response to being called a slut for doing the same thing most men do is...
"Society is dumb. I'm not going to change the way society thinks. If you chose to follow the way society thinks, rather than thinking for yourself, that's your choice. Just like it's my choice to sleep with anyone...
Blueberries are actually purple.
I did 10 units... had 8hrs of free periods per week. Didn't need more, only gossiped anyway, and there's only so much to talk about lol. Well I learnt a lot about people's lives, and human behaviour, but nothing about my HSC subjects.
"Oh. That's good Sarah. Yeah that's really good for you sweetie."
No matter how they try and say it, they always manage to let their true feelings show through lol.
You don't know why you're celibate, but you know it's not going to change. :confused: I don't know how you can have such strong views on these things, based upon, well, you don't know.
I think you should not set yourself up for disappointment.
The difference between us is that I don't deny I may change again. I'm 17, I could hate sex tomorrow and be sworn off it. I don't set myself goals and counters of having only 3 sexual partners. I could have fifty, or I could have significantly less. I know what I think today, I may not think in...
So you've held a totally different view to what you hold now, yet from changing you views so dramatically once, you don't think you will again?
The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour.
Indeed! I used to say... "No sex, it's wrong." I had no idea why it was wrong, just seemed that way. But then, I questioned why I wasn't having sex, found out morals was some odd excuse that I couldn't back up. Now I have sex, and find nothing immoral about it.
I remember hearing that if children are taught another language as well as English when they're young, it helps them to understand English better. It's great if that's true, but I may have heard it on Oprah or something like that, so who knows.
I also think geographically, Asian language...
Yeah, it must be carried out in the dark because the cyclohexane will slowly react with UV light.
Cyclohexene --> Will go clear with or without UV light
Cyclohexane --> Will go clear slowly with UV light