Search results

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    Finance Mathematics

    Hello anyone know why financial maths such as interest rates and loan repayments don't appear in exams often?
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    Getting through the period of Trials.

    Hello everyone, really stressed out. Almost to breaking point. Would past Year 12 students/anyone be willing to some advice on how to get through this stressful period? Thanks. :)
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    Looking for a SDD tutor.

    Hello, I am looking for a tutor for Software Design and Development situated near the Hurstville region. Depending on the location I am willing to travel. I would prefer lessons to be intense and of length 2 hours mainly focused on coding and other major aspects of the SDD course. Please PM...
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    Physics Marathon 2012

    HOWDY PARTNERS! I have come to start a Physics Marathon! The purpose of this thread is to have fun and learn. This is done by asking questions, posting questions, posting solutions or socialising. May the penguins be with you and without further to do, I shall begin with a few question and...
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    SDDer's Unite!

    A BIG WELCOME EVERYONE! <tbody> HSC <tbody> Software Design & Development </tbody> </tbody> Hi everyone Spiral here! RAWR! I have come to make an SDD thread, hopefully it will encourage most posts in the SDD section as I know there is a lot of...
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    After the HSC?

    What is there to do? Anyone planned life after the HSC yet?
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    Where are you guys up to in English? :)

    Just wondering. ^_^ - I will probably be posting in the English section now more than Maths.
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    A good nights rest.

    Hello everyone, As you may or may not be aware, my sleeping patterns aren't too great, lately I have been sleeping at around 3. Any tips on how to get a good night's rest? I need to fix my sleep patterns before Term 1 of the HSC resumes again. Thank you.
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    This summer.

    Hello humans, So what will we all be doing this summer? Study? Games? Relax? Play Chess? Half-Half? I know I will be trying to consolidate the work I have been doing this year and attempt rectify my HSC misfortunes. Basement holidays for me! :)
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    Good luck 2011

    Hello all, Just wanted to extend my gratitude towards all Year 12/accelerants in this forum and wish them the best of luck for their HSC. I hope you get your dream score/ATAR. Feel free to post your good luck messages. Good luck guys/girls.
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    Your first day of Year 12

    Hello everyone, How was your first day in Year 12? We had a relaxed today. We got free planners, school pens, lollipops, we meditated and we were given tips.
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    Hello humans, What are you going to improve on next term? What will you do be doing in the holidays, consolidate or learn ahead? Also to HSCers stalking this thread, how much did you improve in the HSC compared to Preliminary?
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    Preliminary Past Papers

    Hello everyone, we are getting closer to our yearly exams, I hope we are all studying right and well in preparation for Year 12. I have a few past papers to offer you. (Note: THESE ARE RARE TO FIND!) EDIT: No commercial papers eg. (CSSA, Independent, Exam Choice, ARC) will be added to this...
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    English Advanced

    Hello all, I hope your study is going very well. If I could kindly get a response from fellow English students or past students on what is required for a band 6? Work-wise. How many essays a week? What did you do in the weeks leading up to your assessments? Any help is appreciated, thank you.
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    No Preliminary Half Yearlies?

    Hello all, I was absolutely shocked to learn that our school does not have Preliminary half yearlies. Can they do this? Our teachers' excuses were "we couldn't be bothered making an exam." Does your school have Preliminary HYs or am I overreacting? They are like grinches taking our beloved...
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    HSCers! What were YOU actually doing during Prelims?

    Hi all, Friday night's random post. What were you doing during your Preliminary year. Work? Play? For those who worked, did you regret working? For those that did little or no work, did you regret not working?
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    Pros and cons of enrolling into a selective school for Year 12

    Hi all, I am a bit worried about the detrimental effect of continuing Year 12 at my current school. Would you recommend trying out for a selective school now? Your thoughts. Pros and cons? Also, I would like to point out the matter of HSC subjects, so I would assume that I could theoretically...
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    Stress Relievers

    What are YOUR top 3 stress relievers? :-)
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    Posting for a friend

    Hello all, I hope your exams are going well. A friend of mine is in a bit of a pickle. He took a TVET course while he was in Year 10 supposedly "worth two units." He used that two units after he had chosen his subjects. After a couple of days he found out from a call that the course was not...
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    How is everyone coping now?

    Hi all, it has been a couple of weeks since the last "How is everyone coping" thread. So Year 11s, what are your thoughts on your Preliminary journey so far? How is everyone managing study and social wise? How much homework are you receiving NOW? Have you changed your subjects or are...