ok excuse me you have clearly misunderstood something here, if anything you are the one trying to force your beliefs on me constantly putting me down like my choice is something to be ashamed of. When did i say i would force anyone to stay a virgin for me i only said i would prefer my future...
i make my decisions based on myself not what decade i live in, and if some guy decides that he should have sex or do anything for that matter because everyone else is doing it or its acceptable with the time then i dont think id want to be with him in the first place
I get what your saying and this is why i told that other person (sorry i forget their username) that it would depend on other things. Obviously im not going to ask guys"ARE YOU A VIRGIN? ARE U A VIRGIN?" no that stuff will come later on in the relationship and if hes not then ill decide if hes...
i never said i would call someone a slut for having sex once and i never said i would write someone off for not being a virgin i just said most likely i did say it depends on a lot of other aspects of the person
I dont expect to be treated like a princess for this its just a personal choice that i would like my partner to share aswell. Also dont assume that no one above 18 is not a virgin. its assumptions like that that cause people to give themseves away because the reckon 'well my partners not gonna...
Some people dont see it as something important but i do. its alot more than just sex its about self respect, self control,, commitment, purity, innocence and more. Maybe others don't share the same view because they werent brought up religiously or with those views and values but i was thats why
its not just religious though its also culture and traditions and that
for ur other questions i dont really care about what anyone else does with their sex life but yeah if a person would like sleep around with 100+ sexual partners then probably i would call that person a slut
fine all trolling aside i was kinda raised to wait for marriage i was raised religiously im not really that religious anymore though but i guess some stuff just sticks with you if youve been brought up with it